viper electrical short?


VIP Member
Nov 13, 2006
Hey I was just wondering if any one has heard of any electrical problems related to the viper(2003).I lose all my dash(tach and speedo)any time i hit the brake or high beam switch.Wide open the sled seems ok but when i stop and try to punch it it's like it's only running on 1 cyclinder then all of sudden it's fine.Just finished putting on bender pipes heel clicker and reeds,but problem was there before.checked all wiring I could see looked ok?thanks jeremy :dunno: :dunno:
until you pull the harness out from under the engine you wont solve the problem
hey this just happened to me, had to pull off the carbs to find it, or just reach under the 3-1 pipe and un hook the wires from the bent clip, then push them under the motor, and pull up on the wires next to your carbs on brake side. they run next to your coolent hose and tors wires, and check to see if there worn, and while your checking add some wire protecter to them.

heres a link with a picture. also check the wires under the motor and where your hood hinges.

wires rubbing oil line
been all over main wiring harness cannot see any rubbing or bear wires.Does any one have electrical outputs for this machine.volts for regulator etc.all voltage outputs for 2003 viper would be nice if any one has them.Thanks
have you checked the location in my picture just beside the carbs. you will have to remove the carbs to get a good look
