Mixing Oils.


New member
Jan 31, 2004
Mishawaka, IN
I know this has been beat to death, but just want to make sure. The previous owner used Amsoil Interceptor which is 100% synthetic. I have a case of 2stroke Yamalube and would prefer to use it up. Can the Yamalube be mixed with the Interceptor safely?

I wouldn't do that but,

yes run it down to a safe low level and pour it in,just don't let nos hear

sell the yamalube???
If you want to make sure, just mix the 2 oils together in a small container and let it sit overnight. Check it the next morning and as long as you dont see sludge you should be good to go.
oil is not oil but oil is oil if ya know what i mean. No it will not blow up in your face but yes it is probably better to stick w/ the same synthetic. interceptor goes for around 25 a gallon and 2s is around 18 so there isnt that much of a diff in price.
I Switched From Yami-lube Semi To Amsoil Interceptor!! I Ran The Yami-lube Down To Less Than A 1/4 And Filled Up With The Amsoil. And Let Me Tell You The Viper Diffenetlly Loves ! The Interceptor Over The Yami-lube!!! And I Had No Problems Mixing The 2. The Power Valves Love The Interceptor, Its Worth The Moneyin My Oppinion.
