New 4 stroke to go with my srx


New member
Mar 11, 2005
I was looking at getting a new 07 4 stroke and keeping my srx. I was wondering if I could get one cheaper after the 08 models come out or if I should buy one with the promotions going on now, what do you guys think or what have you seen in the past?

I bought my 05 RX-1 in the spring of 06 after the 06 sleds were released. I actually wanted to snow check a vector, but they lowered the price on the RX-1 to less than the vector to move it out. Up to you, what prices are the dealers giving you as of now?
It is an rtx for $9100 after tax. I could probably get it a little cheaper I would have to drive a few hours to get it.
If you are in the market for an Apex, I think I would buy a leftover '07. I doubt they will change much on the '08s.
Considering how warm and snowless this winter has been for a lot of people, Id bet youd be able to get a pretty sweet deal on a sled that a dealer has sitting on the showroom floor.
You could wait and hope for a lower price, but by then someone else might come in and buy the sled you are considering and you might be outta luck.
The salesman my parents always dealth with at the local Ford dealer had a sign on the wall of his office that said something like this, "The car you look at today and plan to buy tomorrow may be the car that someone else looked at yesterday and will buy today...".
Besides, at least if you buy it now you will have the chance to put some miles on it before you have to put it away for the summer. If you wait untill March you will have the agony of a new sled in the garage but not being able to ride it. Believe me, that makes for one loooooooong summer!
That is true, I was thinking of waiting till the last week and see what kind of price they can give me. They have 2 of them, they said if they had to they could dip into there reserves and go a little lower on the price.
