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Is the 22mm bolt left or right hand threads?
New member
er...Thanks guys guess I should get a newer machine, seems like everyone forgets the basics on the older ones.Is the 22mm bolt left or right hand threads?

The bolt is bunged up from the last "mechanic" and I wanted to know for sure on this 'just bought' used sled, since I'm not near town.

New member
It is a right hand thread, just like a normal bolt.(righty tighty...lefty loosey)
P.S. the sled is a Venture....not a Ventura. My parents have two 93's and I have a 97 longtrack. Make sure you torque the heads on the motor every season.
P.S. the sled is a Venture....not a Ventura. My parents have two 93's and I have a 97 longtrack. Make sure you torque the heads on the motor every season.
New member
Sure do appreciate this, now I can put more muscle on it without concern. Torque every season? Haven't heard this, I'll do it! My first machine in over 35 years, man they have changed! The '93 is different than the '98's and newer concerning the spacers for belt deflection (searched the forum)...any help with this? Got a new belt and its too tight, need to remove a spacer or two.It is a right hand thread, just like a normal bolt.(righty tighty...lefty loosey)
P.S. the sled is a Venture....not a Ventura. My parents have two 93's and I have a 97 longtrack. Make sure you torque the heads on the motor every season.
Oops...Venture for sure
New member
Not 100% positive on this but I believe that when you remove the bolt that holds the secondary on there will be extra spacers, you will then have to remove the circlip which holds your helix on( be careful there is spring can hold it be leaning on the helix) then seperate the clutch and place the washers(spacers) on the shaft to widen the two sleeves when reassembled. On your helix there will be a letter or a number where the spring sits. There will be the same on the clutch sleeve where the spring sits make sure you pay attention to where the spring is located so you ca reassemble to the same number on degrees (spring tension).
Read the "other yamaha sleds" forum, there are a lot of phazer guys on that forum. The venture is very similar to the phazer isin its mechanical set up.
Hope this helps.
Read the "other yamaha sleds" forum, there are a lot of phazer guys on that forum. The venture is very similar to the phazer isin its mechanical set up.
Hope this helps.
New member
Regarding the torque....I learnt the hard way the head bolts backed out and I cracked the sleeve on the cylinder of my 97 Venture. I then checked my 1988 phazer and my parents 93 ventures and found them a little loose. Yamaha mechanic told me to check them every year. My 97 is the same as your sled in the pic. Auminer
New member
Sure does BlkMax, I really appreciate your help! Meant to respond back sooner, but my server had a denial of service attack.Hope this helps.

I looked at those two washers right behind the secondary bolt and they didn't look like they are doing I know they are to be used for shimming the sheave. Thats what I was looking for!
Thanks for the heads up on the spring hole #.
New member
Oh ya, will be checkin' the torque too!
Since you technically have the same sled, I would like to know if the belt is supposed to be setting way down on the primary when off or idling? Mine seems to be resting on the sides of the belt (new) and not on the center (shaft) of the primary. Not sure if these shims will give me enough slack in the belt.
Guess the primary could be sticking and not opening up all the way...this possible? I'll take a picture tomorrow if that would help.
Since you technically have the same sled, I would like to know if the belt is supposed to be setting way down on the primary when off or idling? Mine seems to be resting on the sides of the belt (new) and not on the center (shaft) of the primary. Not sure if these shims will give me enough slack in the belt.
Guess the primary could be sticking and not opening up all the way...this possible? I'll take a picture tomorrow if that would help.
New member
Ok, hate to leave a thread without an answer in case someone else has the same problem.
Found out my primary had been replaced and looks like it is from another year/model which requires a different belt...a narrower one. Using a MAX1106 instead of the M1118 that is called for this sled.
Sometimes ya just gotta go with common sense...if it don't fit, use one that will. Finding a belt that fits is cheaper than replacing with the right primary. Sure it would be good to get the correct one, but $$$...
Found out my primary had been replaced and looks like it is from another year/model which requires a different belt...a narrower one. Using a MAX1106 instead of the M1118 that is called for this sled.
Sometimes ya just gotta go with common sense...if it don't fit, use one that will. Finding a belt that fits is cheaper than replacing with the right primary. Sure it would be good to get the correct one, but $$$...