Viper S stinks off the line !


New member
Oct 20, 2006
upstate ny
I lined up with a bunch of sleds yesterday on a pond with some decent hard pack on it , What a joke ! we took off and everything including a 78 A/C panther smoked me off the line . After about 200 feet my sled hooked up and at about 500 feet i managed to run down everything but a 900 fusion and an f7 , the f7 was only about a sled and a half length ahead of me at 1000 ft . the fusion was just insane it was inialating everything . i know if i was studded I would have been right on the fusions a$$ . My Viper was running so strong ,other than spining like a floor polisher out of the hole i was so impressed . Ive definitly got to find a way to stud my sled cheap .

I have hear the new ice rippers work really well. That might be my next track. Did you say a 900 conFUSION? OMG!!!!!!.........Did you check to see if it had a CAT/DOO or Yammie motor in it??
yes i said "con"fusion . The only confusion was how the heck it was running so hard . oh and i forgot to mention , there was a woman riding it !
i was thinking about putting a 1 inch hacksaw in my viper and studding that but not sure how much trailability i would lose by going smaller with the track compared to the ripsaw im running now .
Pending the condition of your track, I'd just buy some 8 tooth drivers, 96 or 144 1.375 studs, tunnel protectors, front protectors, and rear heat exchanger protectors(If ya have one). Only extra thing your buying to you run studs on your STOCK 1.25 Ripsaw is the 8 tooth drivers, the rest your going to need anyways to run stud safe on any track.
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You will need to change a gear in the chaincase as well to keep the speedo reading correct, well within 10% anyway.
That guy should take that 900 conFusion right to Roseau, MN. to Polaris. I think they are looking for that sled being they built ooodles of them that are pooches.....LOL!! The Poo dealer from my home town has two left over in the crate that he can't sell for peanuts. He's thinking of assembling them both and running them together to collect insurance, seriously.
i think the title of your thread should read my viper s set up stinks, need help (lol). there is nothing wrong with the sled, sounds like you need to tune it to conditions.

transfer rod adjustment, limiters, springs and shocks. sounds like you have enough power, you just need to get it to the ground via traction.

they run good, and give alot of sleds a run for there money in the right hands. ski
Youve probably hit the nail on the head for sure about the setup . I havent touched the suspension at all on it . with some good advice im sure itll hook up better not even being studded .i was thinking of loosening the limiter straps to give it more transfer . from what i hear that helps some . i was seriously thinking of putting pipes on it this year but after yesterday I think i need to concentrate on traction before i even think about adding more power . Any of you guys out there have some good advice on adjusting the rear skid to help transfer ? Also I have a 1" hacksaw im gonna take from my other sled and stud it . Im hoping someone can help me get a deal on some 1.25 studs I can throw in it . Anybody out there have some for sale ?
Sounds like you broke through the hardpack and found the ice.
I put an unstudded 1.25 ripsaw on my 02 and on hard pack trails with full transfer set up it will pull the skis all day.
You first need to figure out whats most important to have in your sled.
If it is running your buddies in a straight line, more power to ya, and yes, I sucks bad to line up and spin like a maytag.
You gotta choose your spots to run, and being unstudded, the ice isn't one of them....even with what looks like hardpack...don't feel bad, but wo studs, don't bother racing from a dead start...I been there.
wouldn't trade the ripsaw in at this point, it gives you an advantage in other areas, like zipping through the actual trails ,also great in the deeper stuff.
BUT,the 1 inch hacksaw w 144 will probably be better for your overall day of riding.
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