Hi guys!
Here`s a few shots from today, bad weather but still fun. Went up to a lake to check how thick the ice was, both of us got stuck on the way up. We rode to the same lake last night but during the night a snow-" " developed in a hill, kind of hard to get up that hill because you have to make a 90degree turn in the bottom of the hill and then hit it with full throttle and hope that you get up.
My friend with the RS Vector MTN
Bad picture, both of us stuck
Down at the harbour.. notice the balance artist in the background
At the beach..
Here`s a few shots from today, bad weather but still fun. Went up to a lake to check how thick the ice was, both of us got stuck on the way up. We rode to the same lake last night but during the night a snow-" " developed in a hill, kind of hard to get up that hill because you have to make a 90degree turn in the bottom of the hill and then hit it with full throttle and hope that you get up.

Bad picture, both of us stuck

Down at the harbour.. notice the balance artist in the background

At the beach..

SRX at the beach..

Wellwell that`s all

thats some cool pics...........
Hi there!
Great pics! seems like someone had some fun this Saturday
Me and my friend had to do spend the whole day in the car workshop, fixing his sled. We went to the workshop just for fixing a coolant leak and a check on a ballbearing, but we quickly discovered some other problems aswell. Like a cracked primary clutch, cracks in both runningboard coolers, cracks in W-arm and of course the ball bearing has to be replaced.
Wellwell, I did read about the other work you have been doing lately and its impressive work.
I have been kind of inactive on every forum I'am visiting lately but now I'am back.
Great pics! seems like someone had some fun this Saturday

Me and my friend had to do spend the whole day in the car workshop, fixing his sled. We went to the workshop just for fixing a coolant leak and a check on a ballbearing, but we quickly discovered some other problems aswell. Like a cracked primary clutch, cracks in both runningboard coolers, cracks in W-arm and of course the ball bearing has to be replaced.
Wellwell, I did read about the other work you have been doing lately and its impressive work.
I have been kind of inactive on every forum I'am visiting lately but now I'am back.
Where is the drowned MMax?
Hi guys!
Thanks for the replies
Redmater: Thanks!
sxtheviper: Gees man sorry to hear that, sounds expensive?. Have got it fixed?. It`s so frustrating to discover things like that just before you were suppost to go riding.. .I`m into many forums but TYM is by far the best forum I`ve ever been "in" .
Archer: The drowned MMax was back in business just a few days after it drowned, but then suddenly the stator went bad, most likely because of the water. Either water in the stator itself or a short somewhere else caused by water (or wire rub through).
Bought a new stator from Jwiedmayer here at the forum so it`s on it`s way from US to Norway. Should see it by the end of this week.. .

Thanks for the replies

Redmater: Thanks!
sxtheviper: Gees man sorry to hear that, sounds expensive?. Have got it fixed?. It`s so frustrating to discover things like that just before you were suppost to go riding.. .I`m into many forums but TYM is by far the best forum I`ve ever been "in" .
Archer: The drowned MMax was back in business just a few days after it drowned, but then suddenly the stator went bad, most likely because of the water. Either water in the stator itself or a short somewhere else caused by water (or wire rub through).
Bought a new stator from Jwiedmayer here at the forum so it`s on it`s way from US to Norway. Should see it by the end of this week.. .

You guys should wear helmets, that looks like it would be COLD. Awesome pictures
New member
hey once again awesome pics...thats quite the sexy beach babe
New member
never thought i would see an srx on the beach lol
Hi guys! 
Kinger: Yes I know and I totally agree. I always wore my dirtbike helmet before, but then I quit using it for some reason. Mostly because when we stop to take a little break, and it`s -20c degrees, the helmet get`s darn cold and it`s a bitch to put back on the head. Hehe bad excuse!. Another thing is that I feel that I see "more" without the helmet. But, I wount see much if I get killed now will I. I`m stupid.
92vwgti: Thanks
Bluelightning: Neither did I, looks kind of "wrong" .. but still cool

Kinger: Yes I know and I totally agree. I always wore my dirtbike helmet before, but then I quit using it for some reason. Mostly because when we stop to take a little break, and it`s -20c degrees, the helmet get`s darn cold and it`s a bitch to put back on the head. Hehe bad excuse!. Another thing is that I feel that I see "more" without the helmet. But, I wount see much if I get killed now will I. I`m stupid.
92vwgti: Thanks

Bluelightning: Neither did I, looks kind of "wrong" .. but still cool

We're trying to find parts in US, IMO thats the cheapest way to go.
No, we didnt fix everything. Welded the W-arm, got a new ballbearing and running board coolers. Only thing left is the primary clutch and replace everything.
You're right, TY is one of the best forums. Great people here with a lot of knowledge.
No, we didnt fix everything. Welded the W-arm, got a new ballbearing and running board coolers. Only thing left is the primary clutch and replace everything.
You're right, TY is one of the best forums. Great people here with a lot of knowledge.
kimoaj said:Hi guys!
Thanks for the replies.
sxtheviper: Gees man sorry to hear that, sounds expensive?. Have got it fixed?. It`s so frustrating to discover things like that just before you were suppost to go riding.. .I`m into many forums but TYM is by far the best forum I`ve ever been "in" .
smokin george
New member
awesome posts
Got to hand it to the boys from Norway for some of the best pics,stories etc etc. They are truly hard core and hope they stay safe and ride forever.
Got to hand it to the boys from Norway for some of the best pics,stories etc etc. They are truly hard core and hope they stay safe and ride forever.
Hi ! 
SXtheviper, I hope you`ll find the parts you need in US. It`s actually shocking to see the price difference from Norway to USA, I don`t think I overdo it if I say that everything costs atleast twice as much in Norway.
A BR9ECS sparkplug costs 19$ at my dealer in Town.. gees!.
Hope you will have the sled up and running soon, it`s so frustrating when things like these happen in the middle of the season, especially when the season is as short as it is.
smoking_george, thanks alot man!. Really nice reply, it "warmes"

SXtheviper, I hope you`ll find the parts you need in US. It`s actually shocking to see the price difference from Norway to USA, I don`t think I overdo it if I say that everything costs atleast twice as much in Norway.
A BR9ECS sparkplug costs 19$ at my dealer in Town.. gees!.
Hope you will have the sled up and running soon, it`s so frustrating when things like these happen in the middle of the season, especially when the season is as short as it is.
smoking_george, thanks alot man!. Really nice reply, it "warmes"

smokin george
New member
I just bought a plug for my Honda Rubicon at the dealer here and it was $19.95+tax= $22.75 Can. and thought what a ripoff. BR9ECS plugs are less than $3.00 Can here
I just bought a plug for my Honda Rubicon at the dealer here and it was $19.95+tax= $22.75 Can. and thought what a ripoff. BR9ECS plugs are less than $3.00 Can here
Last edited:
New member
br9 ecs at my local dealer are 16$ canadian with tax, expensive enough..its even worse at canadian tire last week i was there and they wanted 20$ plus tax a plug. big big rip off
New member
smokin george said:I just bought a plug for my Honda Rubicon at the dealer here and it was $19.95+tax= $22.75 Can. and thought what a ripoff. BR9ECS plugs are less than $3.00 Can here
where do you get your plugs for 3$ canadian???????
New member
I bought a 2 pack of br9ecs for 19.99 at Canadiantire. I have never seen them for $3.00
smokin george
New member
Royal Distributing sells them for less than $3.00. I"ve bought them in Guelph and at the Barrie locations
Royal Distributing sells them for less than $3.00. I"ve bought them in Guelph and at the Barrie locations
New member
Royal sells em for 7.49 each plus tax and they have none in stock. Thats not under 3 bucks.
Royal sells em for 7.49 each plus tax and they have none in stock. Thats not under 3 bucks.
New member
smokin george said:Royal Distributing sells them for less than $3.00. I"ve bought them in Guelph and at the Barrie locations
your thinking of br9 es we need br9 ecs in our machines.. i would but a dump truck full at 3 $ each lol