Oil under airbox question


New member
Jan 5, 2006
Cadillac, Michigan
Can someone help me out with this? I have a lot of oil under my airbox. I thought I read on here last year that it was probably the reeds causing this. I ordered new (stock) reeds last week and have been doing some more reading since I ordered them and now I've been reading that oil in the airbox is normal. Does that mean that oil under the airbox is normal too then? I bought this thing last year and it's been like this since I bought it. My local "dealer" tells me he's never seen a reed go bad, but at the same time he was trying to get me to buy vforce or Boyesen reeds. :horsehock
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Yep, oil in and under your air box is normal. If I remember correctly there are two 0.25" diameter holes in the bottom of the lower air box chamber. When oil gets into the air box it leaks out through these holes when the sled is not in use. However, broken or worn out reeds will cause excessive oil to build up in your air box. I try to put in new stock reeds about every two years. I have a '99 SX 600. Through the season I get about two caps full of oil in my air box (cap from a quart of oil is the cap I am referring to)
To stop oil from leaking out all over:

If I remember correctly I have several holes in the bottom of my airbox... I cut short piecies of plastic fuel line with outside diameter just larger than holes in the btm of airbox (approx one inch long) and squeezed tightly, one into each hole... Place tube about halfway into air box...(leaving 1/2" inside and 1/2" inch outside of airbox)... This seals the hole on the outside of the tube, still allows for air exchange through the piece of tubing and stops the oil/gas mixture from leaking out all over the inside of your belly pan...

Take the airbox apart twice a year and wipe it out and no more oil on inside of engine compartment....

There is always more oil in the bottom of my 700's air box, yet both do have and always have had...

I also strung one long saftey wire thru centre of each piece of tubing from the bottom of the air box (aircraft style saftey wire) just in case one shakes loose and goes thru the reeds into a cylinder... works like a charm..

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