Looking for SLP's for my Viper. Where are you guys finding the best place and price to buy? I'd prefer ceramic coated and possibly a full kit. ie. opticool/jetting/ etc.
Zachalyse said:Looking for SLP's for my Viper. Where are you guys finding the best place and price to buy? I'd prefer ceramic coated and possibly a full kit. ie. opticool/jetting/ etc.
there is a set on Amsnow along with a set of Mega power heads.
New member
i sell new for $780 shipped or $1080 shipped for complete ceramic.let me know.thanks
What other items would I need for installation and to ensure reliability.
New member
SRX cooler or Viper update cooler(Replaces the cross over tube)
Head mod with opti-cool gasket or
A/M head(To equal out your compression)
Fuel screws adjusters(To make your life a lil bit easier)
There are a few more things to make her more reliable but thats all on you.
BR9ECS plugs
SRX Base Gasket
01 SRX CDI Conversion
SRX Needles and Noozles
Head mod with opti-cool gasket or
A/M head(To equal out your compression)
Fuel screws adjusters(To make your life a lil bit easier)
There are a few more things to make her more reliable but thats all on you.
BR9ECS plugs
SRX Base Gasket
01 SRX CDI Conversion
SRX Needles and Noozles
you can use srx heads with a mega power or peak water rail for a viper heads need to be recut to 23cc with steaper angle to run safe.
01 cdi if you dont have dcs, if you do, you will need a 02 srx cdi box(check out the two wire diagrams before you purchase, i havent done this one) your hand and thumb warmers work differently on the 04 sled so not sure if the cdi box would work.
you could just convert all wiring to 02-03 wiring
you should also purchase wrap to cover the pipes, about 100bucks will do it.
01 cdi if you dont have dcs, if you do, you will need a 02 srx cdi box(check out the two wire diagrams before you purchase, i havent done this one) your hand and thumb warmers work differently on the 04 sled so not sure if the cdi box would work.
you could just convert all wiring to 02-03 wiring
you should also purchase wrap to cover the pipes, about 100bucks will do it.