Does anyone make an aftermarket single pipe for my 700 Triple non power valve engine?


New member
May 19, 2003
Churchill Falls,NL, Canada
I have bender triples on my machine and HATE the sound, I loved the sound with the single stock pipe with MPBR trail can. I wondered if anyone made a GOOD single aftermarket pipe I would go that route and lose a few HP to get that awesome sound back,anyone have any sugestions?
I seem to remember hearing about somebody using a stock viper exhaust on non-pv 700's with good results. Maybe somebody else will chime in on this.
I think i remember the thread about the stock viper exhaust. I think they only gained about 4 hp midrange and 2 hp up top... and it was quite a bit of work by the sounds of it. Try searching it shouldn't be too hard to find.
How old are your triple pipes??? Maybe you need to repack the stingers. It's relatively easy to do.

I find my Benders are much less obnoxious sounding than my single pipe with a snostuff can was. I repacked my stingers this year (used pipes) and the machine sounds much "deeper" than with the single pipe/can combo. Still louder than stock however.
my triple pipes sounds the same as new, i just never liked them, loved the single/mbpr can sound and would go back to that if i could find an aftermarket tuned pipe for my max
IMO, if you like the sound of the stock with a can you will love the sound of a stock can drilled out. HP is fine with either. The triple pipes add 30+ HP so if you can deal with that loss you can deal with a stock can drilled. It soulds like a F-1 car. I have several clips but they are too large to post.

Here is a clip I remember from a long time ago at idle.

Clip on the drilled pipe
