roller secondary


Jan 18, 2006
Northern Mi.
I was told that when you run a roller secondary clutch set up that you lose top end (like 10 MPH) is this true?? If so why??
not if you have the right helix and spring.I have tested roller vs button yami,polaris and ski doo I have always found a few more mph in the button set up.
From my testingon radar and timer yes.I know other guys with the same results.
With an adavant-edge roller secondary properly set up I call 100% total BS.
With my 7 years of experience running this certain unit testing against other similar sleds....u don,t lose squat. I never tried other rollers so I can,t make a call on those.
So Turk, do you need to make spring snd helix changes if you move the Advant-edge roller secondary?

I'm running your 41/35 Advan-edge helix in my 2001sxr600 and was just wondering if it was worth selling my Team Secondary and picking up the Advat-edge roller instead. Just wondering because it's too cold to ride!!!

Let me know your thoughts

Thanks, Exciterfan
I don,t know how the team works; never used it so I have no call. Usually with the advant-edge roller you gotta run a little more twist but that also depends on the angle your running.

I'm running 60 degree twist with the green spring. Machine runs great (better than great).

So the existing helix would still be the right one? More twist? Less twist?

Sorry for high-jacking the thread, but it is related (sort of).
sorry never tried adavantage roller lot's of others
speed running and grass dragging we only seen a 1-2 mph diffence sorry if you thing I'm bsing turk.I know you and lot;s of others had excllent results with the advatage roller.
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No bs pro; just saying in 8 years there is no loss any where with the advant-edge. There very well could be with other makes & the way some of them are designed I can believe it. That part I believe cus there are some poorly designed rollers out there & I only have experience with this one.Exciter; if your trail riding & not racing you can add 10 degrees twist for better backshift.
don,t touch what u got in there now except if your trail riding add 10 degrees more twist for a little better backshift or if your racing in soft snow.
The roller is a different animal & your gonna need a totally different helix & start tuning all over again. Gotta add about 10 degrees to each angle to get close to a regular helix & about 4-5 degrees to get close to an advant-edge billet! You get one your on your own. I got too much time invested in yours to get it running as good as it is. My internet bill tripled(just kidding!)

I'll slip something in your PayPal when your not looking to cover you internet bills!!!!

I wasn't going to change anything for now, I'm pleased with the current setup. I was just thinking of things to try in the off-season.

If I ordered the Advant-edge roller I'd also order a helix from them as well (move from a 41/35 to a 46/40 or there abouts???). We'll see.

Maybe a 4-stroke instead. Who knows!!!


P.S. If I owe you$$ for Internet then BLUEMONSTER1 owes you BIG TIME!!! :lol:
absolutly no loss of top end with the advantage roller. i have run them for years with great success. you'll never go back to a button clutch.
the team has had a problem with the springs slacking out. don't know if they corrected this??

