Only sled running


New member
Jan 11, 2007
Houghton, Michigan
Another One Bites the Dust

I love it, All my roomates here at school ride Polaris' and I'm the only one that rides a Yamaha. They rag the hell out of me all the time about my Yamaha, but now I'm the only one that's still running. Three Polaris' broken down. But the "slow" little Yamaha is still running. Paybacks a b!tch. :2strokes: :flag:
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Get used to that story, it's damn near a headline on every snowmobile periodical. At the end of the day when everyone is done griping about yamaha's, nobody can hold a CANDLE to yamaha's reliability.
yamaholic22 said:
Get used to that story, it's damn near a headline on every snowmobile periodical. At the end of the day when everyone is done griping about yamaha's, nobody can hold a CANDLE to yamaha's reliability.
You got that right..


just enjoy your SLOW yamaha..LMAO!!!!! :yam: :yam:
Slow Yamaha? With the mods you got done i don't see much slow about that venom!

Im at school too, a lot of people riding everything but yamahas, except one guy who has an sxr 700, he back me up :rofl: . But, I ride a lot with a 99? xc700, and after smoking him through the woods and on the lake, i caught him looking at the yamaha site! Saying that he wants to get an Apex RTX! That is one hell of a feeling!

Over n out! :letitsnow
Lol, same story here right now. Last weekend, two polaris sleds not running, my Yamaha still going strong.

Last year, however, it was the opposite story. Spent a good portion of the winter trying to diagnose/fix a blown stator AND CDI at the same time.
Just like a broken record, same story here. We're heading north tomorrow morning and all 4 of the Polaris sleds going up have been or are currently in the shop with engine problems. One of them is in the shop right now, it's supposed to be done this afternoon so that we can leave first thing in the morning. The only problem I have is that I can't ever find anyone to ride with me because d@mn near everybody I know rides a Polaris, and they're always broken down.
