Calling all clutch gods......Turk


New member
Oct 16, 2006
Lockport MB Canada
I just installed a 48/42 helix but haven't had a chance to test it out due to the extreme cold weather we have been having (-40 C) . I have a silver secondary spring wrap at 60 and stock primary setup. I am leaving on a 500 mile trip this weekend do you think it will perform ok? The sled is a 1998 Vmax 600xt twin cylinder with the following mods, thin head gasket, reed spacers and a 1.25 ripsaw.
It,s gonna suck unless you changed the primary set up.Where did u come up with this combo? You went to a shallower then stock helix with a way stiffer secondary spring....both wrong. your not gonna have fun riding it like that. asked.
Ok I have a spare set of 8EK wieghts what rivets should I install in them to help the set up? What primary spring should I use.
I will switch back to the stock helix for the weekend.
Thank you Turk.....I am not offended at all.. I appreciate the quick response. Thanks again.
What is the reason you want to run this different setup? What didn't you like about the stock setup, and what are you going for with a new setup? You are going to want a more aggressive helix than that along with a green sec spring in most cases, that is if you are leaving the primary stock.
"do you have anu other helix'es?51/43 work good with 8 ab weights.a 48-42 or 49-41will work great with the stock weights that's what I use to run."

This is a reply I got earlier from a fellow TYer. That is why I was going to try this helix. The silver secondary spring was recommended (yamaha dealer) and worked well with the stock helix. I am happy with the performance of the stock set up for this sled but I am always looking for that little bit extra.
you gotta ad more weight to make that helix work & that secondary spring is wrong for your sled.
Ok, I have the stock secondary spring which is a red spring so I will run my stock helix which is 47 degree. What amount of wieght should I run to make the 48/42 helix work?

I read in the tech FAQ forum that a multi angle helix " is like having your cake and eating it too" the thread is called "understanding helix's"

Since the stock helix is 47 degrees( tech pages) isn't the intial angle of 48 degrees steeper?

I thought that with the 48/42 I would get a better holeshot and be able to hang onto the belt with more pressure in the front and rear clutch the sled will be faster simply because your wasteing less energy.
That is true but you gotta match your primary to what your secondary is doing. You have to run more weight to compensate for the shallow angle. 48 degrees is so little diff it is miniscule & that 42 finish angle really kicks the crap out of your set up & the silver spring is the big faux pas. If your running 8cr weights & you probably are that helix won,t work cus your allmost allready maxed out for weight. Get a set of 8ab or 8ca weights & run those.
In a 98 xtc I ran 8ca's I can't remember what I had in the rivet's and a 48-42 set at 6-2 I believe with the stock sec spring and it worked reak well.Like Turk said that silver is way to stiff.Not to bash your dealer but just because a dealer deals snowmobiles dosen't mean they know anything about clucthing.
I think you got the basic understanding from the helix post but didnt take into account that when you drop the finish angle you will need to add tip weight to the primary, this is how you clamp the belt in both the secondary and the primary clutch. Something around a 48-49 start with a 44-45 finish would be alot closer to working with your primary weights. Looks like your weights have a 3.6 rivet in tip stock, if it would over rev on topend youd need to add the 4.5 to the tip. A helix in this range I would run the stock secondary spring, that silver will slow the sled down not make it faster.

With the helix you were thinking of using you dropped 5 degrees on the finish from stock, thats a good jump so what Turk was trying to say you can only go to a 4.5 rivet and dont think you would have enuff weight to run a 42 finish without over revving on topend.

Changing out your front weights to a more aggressive profile will make a large differance in the way the sled runs, the 8ab weights would be alot more aggressive upshifting and make the sled accelarate faster. Then that helix of the 48/42 would work, with some tip weight in the 8ab's.
Ok, For my trip this weekend I am going to set the secondary back to stock with the red spring and stock helix. I want to have a good time not fustration. When the cold weather breaks I will start testing with heavier wieghts and the 48/42 helix. I am mechanically inclined as I turn wrenches for a living. I have never really tuned my clutches beyond stock so I am actually looking forward to this challenge and learning some new stuff. Please be patient with me guys as I will likely have some questions to post.

P.S. Anyone have a good set of 8AB or 8CA wieghts for sale?
mrviper700 said:
I think you got the basic understanding from the helix post but didnt take into account that when you drop the finish angle you will need to add tip weight to the primary,

That is exactly what I forgot....I set my sights on the secondary and forgot about the primary.
Hey BLKMAX600!!

I have a set of 8ab weights which I tried to use in my SXR600. I found the 89Ls better for my specific application.

They're available if you want them and I'm very close to you (West St. Paul, towards Stony Mountain). $45.00 sound okay?? PM me if you want to pick them up.


Ok guys, sounds like I got a set of 8AB's coming my way, what rivets should I use and do I need to change my primary spring? I would like an engagement of approx. 4000rpm and peak at 7800-8000rpm. I believe that should be good. Most of my riding is trail.
Start here
stock primary spring
.8 gram inner rivet
3.6 gram rivet in tip
Stock secondary spring at 60 wrap
I am taking a shot here but I bet that will get you close.
8ca Turk

Since I was going to post a separate thread. I'll do a miny hijack. What primary spring and weight for the 8ca do you think is close? J
