my new windy

Concept Carbon

New member
Jan 31, 2006
Ottawa, ON.
my new carbon fiber windy

I just started this tonight, just have to pop it off the old windy and clearcoat and ive got a sweet carbon fiber windy. here is some pics of the process



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Cool but not exactly see-through. And I hope it's not cold out. Man I rode the other day and was glad I had a full windy on mine. Frostbite & Hypothermia are not something to joke around with.
looks like the stock windy height to me...looks great with the carbon by the way!
is that a real carbon fiber composite (set with heat and pressure) or just resin and fiber cloth (like the fiberglass process) either way, pretty neat. should keep goin and make some other stuff if its the real deal carbon fiber.
Looks like you layed it on the inside? Are you going to leave it that way or take it out and coat and that will be the windy. Looks great, how strong do you think it is?
wow, thanks for all the positive feed back guys. I cant wait to get it on my sled. Im gona keep the stock windy hight sense im a big guy an di want to be aero dynamic.

It is reel carbon fiber, even has a aircraft cert lol. but its just a wet layup, you only need to aply heat for certain resins and prepreg fabrics(already have the correct amount of resin added to the cloth then frozen) I did not vacum bag though. vacum bagging would of made much thinner, much more expensive but it ensures the correct amount of resin to cloth. hey its not going on a airplane.

I will be removing it from the inside.

For strength wise its the same stiffness if not stiffer as the stock and about 1/4 or less the whieght.

How I made it is:

1. cleaned the crap out of the inside of my stock windy with hot water and dish soap.

2. let dry

3. aplyied mold release wax let dry and buffed the wax

4. painted resin on to the windy.

5. layed my carbon cloth. aplyed resin then squeegee it till it fits the windy then added another layer and again.

6. let cure takes about 2hrs to get rubbery, then take a knife and slice the excess off.

7. once full curred sand the edge with a diegrinder and drill out the holes using the stock as a template.

8. pop out the carbon piece, roll resin on to seal it.

9. wet sand and aply a clear coat, or polish resin.

here is another pic
You can by good epoxy resin from most marin shops, but cloth is almost impossible to find, i baught mine from work.

US composites sells alot of stuff to set up, but you can only ge tcloth now if your a previous buyer sense there has been a major shortage.
WOW!!!!!!! that is cool, I happen to work in that aircraft crazy world...maybe a good project for the next midnight shift LOL!!! Looks AWESOME
Maybe it's time for you to start producing them and selling them. You already have a hand full of orders! I bet your gonna get a lot of questions when riding, "where did you get that windy?", "how much did it cost?", etc... Too cool. -Ed :bling:
yeah im thinking of dumping some on ebay, but then it wont be as original, and with the price of cf i would have to charge at least twice as much as a reg one.

next im making some windige plates.
thanks man, now what to do next, maybe the y piece between the lights, Im thinking maybe the plastic bumper piece, windige plates, clutch guard. ect,,,
