100 inches of snow in 4 days!


New member
Oct 19, 2006
wayne county , NY
Here in upstate ny we`ve been getting socked with a bad storm this week and many places have over 80 inches with some getting over 100 inches in 4 days! Oswego county has been in a state of emergency all week now and theres still more snow coming. Tug hill is getting hammered also and they cant even get groomers down the trails now. We were begging for snow and now we are getting it all at once...lol :brr ....with temps at zero all week and 30-40 mph winds!
Well redfield has gotten 111 inches and news just said probably another foot tonight and a few feet this weekend too! I`m sure they would love to send some of it your way right about now!
wish it would move a little north, not getting anything here. just getting the cold! last saturday, a town 20 miles from here got well over a foot and got only a dusting here. just the way the band of snow was i guess. my uncle lives just outside of oswego, he can't keep up with the snow in his driveway, his snowblower broke down and now it just keeps adding up.
DAMN THAT MAKES ME MAD! we are right near Rochester and we don't have S*@#! it is just snowing a little and we only have about 4". It is so localized.

:letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow
Heres As Few Pics


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Pics Dont Justify 97 Inches


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damn luckyto get all that snow to ride pray to the snow gods to send some out west over the dakotas i heard of all the snow out east and i was jealous.
