Can Knock sensor light be depended upon to tell if jetting is too lean. I have a 03 Viper, Ported, NO Pipes, 1 Thickness head gasket removed & Shift Stays at 8700. I am at 157 mains and and the plugs look light tan, (More than a little lighter than Coffee), at 25 Degrees F. It runs great but I am Somewhat concerned that I may have to Jet up to 160s to be safe on longer runs when it is colder. I have run 1/2 Mile full Throtle at 15 degrees F with no light but I was thinking I may need more insurance jetting. This is with the carb heaters off. If I turned them on when it gets cold would this give enough of a differance below zero. I want as much performance as possable but I also want to be able to go across a 2 mile lake wide open at 5 to 10 degrees F without any problems. What are anyone elses experiences with the light or for that matter jetting with porting and no pipes?
Active member
The '03 Viper doesn't have DCS, it was only on the '02 srx and the '04 Viper S.
I Guess that is why I have never seen it. LOL. Just Thought they were on all 02 on up. Anyone have to jet up this much just for porting only.
Active member
ask whoever did your porting what they recommend for jetting, that is usually a good place to start. Its good that you are concernced about it though, its a lot easier to go leaner than richer. Mistakes can be costly, especially with ported cylinders that would have to be ported again if hurt in a burn-down.