9830 Preditor or coned lug or ice ripper type lug track ???


New member
Feb 4, 2007
I got a good refrence to use the 9830 in my srx700. (I blew the track out last weekend)

I ride in northern Wi and the UP. If I put the 9830 on I will stud it with 144 down the middle. My problem is a friend of mine installed a cone type 1.25 camoplast and was very impressed how it handled without studs on icey trails. He put studs in but commented that if he would have got the Ice ripper track with the pre-molded studs it probaly would be enough, or he could just add a few conventional studs to increase traction and still be much lighter than a fully studded track.

Has anyone tried the Ice claw (1") track. I am leaning towrds trying this track but am afraid that the little studs will not hold up and it will not hook as good as the 9830 preditor track on the snow.

HELP !!!!!

The Icalw track is not going to hook up as well as a 9830 with studs down the center. Most of the time, I only recommend the Ice claw to people who want the extra protection of going into the corners and braking on icy conditions. If you are going for performance, definitely spend the extra money to stud up a 9830.
I was thinking of going with the ice claw, and adding maybe 96 studs down the middle to increase traction in the icey corners and still limting my rotational weight. I guess my main concern when it comes to performace is will the 9830 unstuded hook better in the snow than a cone type of track. With the poor transfer on the SRX skid I can dig a hole to china on bare ice with trail studs. When I line up against buddies it usally is on a snow covered lake/trail and the studs really do nothing.
Thanks Guys

I will be getting the 9830

How about studs. I ran plastic backers (saber) type for a few years with ok results. Again I am trying to reduce rotation weight but not reliablity. Maybe I shouldnot worry about the weight thing because I do have it geared down to be quicker not to have long legs. I had it toped out on the GPS @ 105 and it was over reving at that point.
i will also highly recommend the 1" hacksaw. Very similar in performance to the 9830, really a great track. I got one last year on my srx with 192 roetin hornets and that thing really hooks up like a mother.
