Bog (viper mountain)


New member
Nov 8, 2005
Headed out yesterday with some other guys to map out our up coming poker run. Waiting in the parking lot for some of them to get there and it idled for a good 15-20 minutes to warm up, 10 degrees out.
Rode up the trail at about quarter to half throttle for a couple miles, hit a straight streach and pined it.
Just fell on it face, like it lost a cylinder, let it come to a stop. Let it idle for a little while, I put my ice scratchers down, got on and took right problem the rest of the afternoon.
Do you think it was just loaded a little or possible a power valve struck a little?
Never had that happen before.

Anybody got any thoughts. Did it again this weekend. Back off a little and pin it again and it seems OK.
Was kinda warm this time.
Peak Head 19cc, bender can, 148 mains, 6000 ft.

Maybe a bad plug?
Look at plugs and wash.......all good!!!!???????
Try backing out the fuel screws 1/4-1/2 turn. Also raising the needles 1/2 position may help. Sounds like a lean bog.
I think I found the problem. Changing jets and clutch today to head to our cabin in the snowies this weekend..........found the carb vent tubes to the air box unpluged. Don,t know why I hadn't notice it when it haqppened and was checking plugs and wash on the trail the other day. :o| :o| :o| :homework:
