What sled to get for the Wife and kids???


VIP Member
Jun 4, 2003
Finally, after YEARS of anticipation I got a chance to take the family out for a day sled ride on the Viper at near by state park. It was pretty fun and everyone liked it. YEA!!!

What Yamaha sled would be good? Needs electric start and reverse, maybe a two up? Thinking about a four stroke, which one with lower power, reliable?
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If you are not dead set on the 4stroke the Vmax deluxe was a nice sled for lady's. My wife had one and we sold it. She now has an sx and does not like it near as much.. A word of advice electric start and reverse is a must for a woman.
Your right on the electric start and reverse part. My son hit the kill switch and she gave it a couple pulls (tried to) and said I need electric start.

Not set onthe 4 stroke part. What DLX..the Venture DLX and what year?
sled for sale

What part of Michigan are you from? I am going back and forth on weather or not to get my wife a new sled next year. It depends on if I can get the right price out of hers. 2002 V-Max ER (Electric start/Reverse) 700 triple COMPLETELY stock except for 96 studs. It has close to 7,000 miles.It comes with some extras. I was thinking $2900.00/ 2800.00. ??? If you would like to come and take a look I am just east of Ann Arbor Mi. (ypsilanti) Corey Wilhoite
Id spend the extra money for a 4-stroke. Once youve ridden a 4-stroke (especially a Yamaha 4-stroke), youd never wanna go back to a 2-stroke.
Id go with a Venture Lite or an RS Venture.
My first sled was a 2002 VMax ER (Electric start/Reverse) 600 triple. It is a nice little sled, I still enjoy riding it. I bought an 04 Viper ER now. The Viper is too much sled for my wife, she doesn't like riding it. She enjoys the VMax as did my kids.
my wife liked the rs venture she test rode. and it will be a nice quiet sled, no complaining about ringing ears after a days ride :)
While I like the 2 stroke Vmax deluxe angle I can tell you if your wife is anything like mine you might be better off with the 4 stroke rs venture with all the bells and whistles. Reverse is mandatory. You don't need to get crazy on power as the gen 120 still does upper 90's easily. You might even be able to fine a good used one and save a few bucks.
I was thinking of a 05 venture RS, they blue book for 5500 used. The only problem is it's a 144 and probaly will not fit in my trailer (10x10). I have to measure it. Thanks for all the feedback guys.
viper7mi said:
I was thinking of a 05 venture RS, they blue book for 5500 used. The only problem is it's a 144 and probaly will not fit in my trailer (10x10). I have to measure it. Thanks for all the feedback guys.

After spending quite a bit of seat time on the 120 triple four stroke now i really think that would be a great sled for any wife or g/f. They are rock solid reliable, have good power, nice and quiet, great mileage, and just all around very pleasant to ride. Don't think you could go wrong with any of the models on the four stroke platform, especially if you find them with reverse (they all have electric start)
I fit my 136" on a 10x10, but it also has the tunnel extension for a 141."
I think 3" more would be very close, would depend on the ski tip angle and type of topper you have. If you want to measure or check it out, you know where I am at.

Congrats on getting the family out, I am getting mine out next week. I am picking up an '02 Viper for the girlfriend this weekend. Definitely more sled than a beginner needs but she has done well the first two times out and once was on a Vector (which she did like) so I think she will be fine, espeically riding in a group of experienced riders at a moderate pace.

Also getting my mother out, who hasn't ridden in 10 years.
Should be fun with the whole family next week. I am hearing of temps creeping into the upper 20's so that should be better for the "new" experiences.

Thanks Al,
Yea, it was cool to finally take the family out to have some fun in the snow.
You got a Viper, cool, she will love that sled and it get great gas milage. did you get your bars?
I will heading up north Friday, where are you going to sled?
Yep, got the bars, took a little to clean off some adhesive, nothing some acetone and sandpaper couldn't take care of though. Other than that it was a simple swap. I don't have any extra cable length, that's for sure, but I think they are high enough as is. Getting my grips on and off was a breeze. Should have swapped sooner, thanks for the tip!

We are heading to Brimley (just west of the Soo), hearing conditions are prime. Plan is to ride Mon. and Tues. but now that we don't have to rent I might add in Sunday, at least to get her out for a few hours before the 500. Wens. night we are staying in Grayling and will ride some there Wens. and Thurs.. After that I hope to head to Cadlillac if there is some new snow for the weekend.

We hit Lake City last weekend, wasn't that great, but at least a good test run.

viper7mi said:
Thanks Al,
Yea, it was cool to finally take the family out to have some fun in the snow.
You got a Viper, cool, she will love that sled and it get great gas milage. did you get your bars?
I will heading up north Friday, where are you going to sled?
