Hey guys, I'm going to be buying a new helix within a week or so. My question is this... what would the best helix be for my sled?? I was reading in the tech pages and saw one of Turk's setups. It calls for a 50/40 helix. I have a heelclicker setup on the primary. I called the place and they said they have a 50/38 there now but they would have to order the 50/40. I'm just wondering what changes i would have to make to the weighting of the primary if i decided to go with the 50/38 instead of the 50/40. The setup calls for 3-5 grams in the heel, 4-5 grams in the tip and a small bolt in the center hole. Mrviper had said before that with the 50/38 helix that i could run more tip weight. How much more can i run?? and do i have to take weight off the heel or center hole to be able to run more weight in the tip. I realize that every clutch setup needs to be taken out, tested and then tuned and that you can't give a 100% clutch setup without testing it. But I was wondering if you guys could get me close and then i could tune it myself from there. Clutching is completely new to me this year so some help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
New member
i have a 50/38 helix in my 98 srx right now. My motor is case ported by mrviper so it probably has some more grunt than yours, but right now i'm running about 5 grams in the heel middle hole empty and 6.3g in the tip. i would run the middle empty and whatever weight was there move to the tip. at least that's what mrviper usually recomends. i find you can run quite a bit of weight in the heel even before my porting i was running around 4.5g. try running 5 in the tip to start. hope this helps might give you somewhere close to start.
What are you running top speed wise and how do you do in a race?? The only reason i ask is that i'm mostly a trail rider but on occasion me and my buddies line up on the lake so i would like still be able to do this. On the odd occasion as well i go into radar runs but not very often and always only for fun to see what the machine can do.
Also another question, kinda off topic but is there any little tricks that you can use to get the clutch face cover back on with a red heelclikcer spring. The only reason i ask is that when i put the kit on to begin with i had a hell of a time getting the cover back on, ended up needing 2 sets of hands to push it in while i threaded the bolts in. Does anyone have any tricks that i can use to make this a lot easier??
New member
get some threaded rod about 10" long, 2 big washers, 2 bolts. put a bolt and big washer on one end then put the rod through the clutch bolt hole then use the other bolt and washer to pull the cover down.
Okay thanks a lot, that will definately help me out when putting the clutch face cover back on. Now how much more weight should i be able to run if i run a 50/38 helix instead of a 50/40??
Another trick to get the cover back on it to use a drill press. Was suggested in a post on here. SNOWRULES and I tried it this year and it works great! Can't help ya on the clutch weights, I'm too new to the whole clutching thing to offer any constructive advice. You may however want to consider an even lower finish angle, like a 36 or a 34. Apparently they work real well with Heel Clickers for top speed. MrViper or Turk would be the best guys to ask though.