No Spark!!!


New member
Feb 11, 2007
Portage Lakes Ohio
I have come across a peculiar situation of no spark! I have an 1981 yamaha srx 440, Was running this winter not very well, had bad spark and would not rev up well. This problem regressed and now I have no Spark. I disconnected the tether, push button, checked the key switch. Have checked out the coil pack, and have gone through the wiring several times. I have taken the CDI out of sled and am hoping local yamaha dealership can test it. Is that Possible? Also I have a seperate stator/magneto out of sled which I checked the ohms, and both read the same. Is there anything else I am missing? HELP!!! Is ther a better way to check the magneto? Thanks Guys -MIKE-

I am bringing this 81 back to life, and have been working on it for a couple of years now. I know a little bout there history and yamaha destroying them, were they fast? SRX RULES
well you need to check the wires coming out of the engine off the stator, first check the p/u coil wire, does it have varying voltage when you pull the rope over?

next youd check the stator wires and see if the charge coils are working, same way.
if you have good signal coming from them its time to move to the cdi box. Test same way on the coil output wire, does it show a varying voltage signal when pulling the rope?

which cdi box and stator combo do you have the original 81 srx(8M6) stuff was repalced by yamaha to the new srx500 (8R9) stuff, it says this on the cdi box if its the updated unit.
Well I put a 12v test light on the stator and tried to check it that way, it showed nothing. What is the proper way to test? should it have 12v? The equipment looks to be original hitachi cdi box. Thanks
no, it wont light up a test light, you have to use a digital multimeter to check it, it will be way less then 12 volts, more like 3-4 volts varying as you pull it over, this will tell you if the p/u coil is working, this is what sends the signal to the cdi box that sends the signal to coils.
you can do a basic ohm check also, the pulsar coil is the white/red wire and red wire, they should read 10 ohms.

the charge coil is the brown and the red wire, this should read 225 ohms if they are good.

ohms is the upside down horsehoe symobol on the digital multi meter.
I have a extra good updated srx500 stator with p/u coil and lighting coil, the ends need redone, but it checks out perfect, if yours is no good.

the 8r9 stuff was a trail update kit, it was the flywheel, stator plate assembly and cdi box, and some wiring harness connctions, this gave the sled alot more timing and made it more trail rideable, not so peaky.
Cdi Box

Welp Looks like I have it narrowed down to the cdi box inwhich I cannot test, RIGHT? Well I f you have any ideas of where to look for a box or how to test let me know thanks again MIKE
