Winter Storm Alert!

This is the one I've been waiting for all season. I rode this weekend in northern vt and it wasn't bad, but, 12" to 18" of new snow is just what we need. :letitsnow
supposedm to get close to 12 inches here in quebec. it would really do some miracles. but dont get your hopes up the path of the storm keeps changing every 4 hours..well lets hope for the best and be safe..remember dont go to work if its too dangerous instead take the sled out :letitsnow
some parts of northwestern maine they're calling for possibly 18" PLUS-- BRING IT ON!! it's about damn time we got a real storm up here!

edit: channel 6 weather just said 24" poss. for NW maine! :letitsnow
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yeah.. they are saying 10-15cm in the Moncton area... hopefully we get more then that... this is storm has been changing back and forth for days. So keep your fingers crossed.
we are south of chicago and they are saying 10"-13" for us by tommorrow morning , right now its not looking so hot for us , if its going to happen it better start snowing hard soon! they always seem to get our hopes up and then let us down! STUPID WEATHER!!! i hope you guys get more from this storm than we are!! GOOD LUCK!!
they keep changing thier minds. at the beggining of the week montreal,quebec was supposed to get 18 inches. and now were down to 6-12 inches. i guesss we just have to wait and see. but what counts is that it will snow
yahadriver23 said:
just in 16-28" about 3 hours before it hits

16-28 inches where?
here in montreal we were up to 75cms then down to 45 cms then down to35cms.. who knows what we will get till she hits
