worst weekend of riding ever


Active member
Jul 1, 2005
Boscobel, wi
well what i thought was going to be a fun weekend in the u.p turned out to be my worst riding weekend yet. first of 15 miles into the ride on the first day my viper blew up. so i rode my buddies viper and he rode his modded tcat. the next morning i was coming up a steep hill off the lake near our cabin and i rolled my budies viper and broke the gauge pod and right fairing. this sucks so bad.
Sorry to hear about your bad luck. So how much is the bill to repair you buddy's sled? Do you know the extent of damage on your sled yet? Any speculation as to why your Viper blew?
I had a great weekend till 7pm last nite when my trailer blew a tire out on the hiway, 2 hrs norht of home. No spare. Now I am getting ready to go pick it up at the wreckers yard. At least I didnt have to leave it along side the road.
archer said:
I had a great weekend till 7pm last nite when my trailer blew a tire out on the hiway, 2 hrs norht of home. No spare. Now I am getting ready to go pick it up at the wreckers yard. At least I didnt have to leave it along side the road.

Ouch, that doesn't sound like fun. Yea a spare, tire tool, and a good bottle jack are defiantely a few of the items i make sure i have on every trip. Seems that A LOT of trailers are sitting on the sides of the expressway with blown tires. Not worth the risk.
buy an Apex. No more burn downs!!! alot faster and better ride!!

Apex/Attak is the cure all

Good luck V.K. Hope ya get it fixed
no i didn't get gas in mass city. i got the top end tore apart and the pistons/cylinders are fine. i think it may be a crank bearing. i am going to fix the buddies sled with used parts i figure it will be about $60 for a gauge pod and i already have a fairing i am going to give him. i bought a set on ebay 1 week ago because they were cheap and i am glad i did now
viperking said:
well what i thought was going to be a fun weekend in the u.p turned out to be my worst riding weekend yet. first of 15 miles into the ride on the first day my viper blew up. so i rode my buddies viper and he rode his modded tcat. the next morning i was coming up a steep hill off the lake near our cabin and i rolled my budies viper and broke the gauge pod and right fairing. this sucks so bad.

If that has been your worst weekend, count yourself lucky.
Just part of snowmobiling.
i know a guy who bought a brand new apex and lost it off the back of his truck on the highway before he even got it home. no insurace, total write off, would cost more to fix than replace.

I was up in the UP a few weeks ago and rolled my Viper 15 minutes into the first ride. Sled was almost out of gas and wasnt fully warm and I was going slow, never hit an icy turn like that before. Electric start wouldnt work and my new battery was shot along with a cracked windshield, dash, and front fairing. Duct taped it all together and have been riding localy since. I was just happy that my sled still ran and I just missed a 4x4 wooden sign post that wouldve been bad news. Anytime you make it home uninjured is a good ride in my book.
A couple of years ago I was heading up to ride with my dad and brother-in-law to do some riding. I blew up the tranny on my Yukon on the way up there and had to get towed to the nearest town. They said that it would be a week to get the tranny and put it in. Called my bro-in-law's Grandpa to come and get us after church on Sunday. Got the last room at the Super 8 and mounted up to ride to make the best of the rest of the weekend. Nineteen miles down the trail I blew up the sled and had to get towed back to town. Called Grandpa to come and get us as soom as possible, went to the bar next to the Super 8. The Super 8 gave us our money back since we didn't use the room. Needless to say, when Grandpa did show up I was feeling no pain.
