98 srx 700, centre plug getting wet and not firing after warm up


Feb 12, 2007
southwest, ontario, Canada
hi everyone, i'm new to this site but i have been reading posts for a while. i'm having issues with my srx. this weekend i had to change my centre plug out at least 5 times in 2 days. once was the pto side and the other 5 times was the centre plug. it seems that when i shut the machine down and restart it the plug gets wet and will not fire. when it's cold in the morning it will run fine until i shut it down. when i switch it out and restart it's fine again. i have approx. 17000km and i replaced the rings and pistons last winter. didn't need too but i figured i might as well just to refreshen the top end. worked perfectly last year but since we have not had any snow here i couldn't try it out until this past weekend after i cleaned the carbs. i'm wondering if i might have screwed up the float level in the middle carb when i was cleaning it. i usually do that right in the machine and i recall it slipping out of my hand and bumping the side of the motor very slightly. would this cause me to have this problem? does anyone have any suggestions or ideas? any help would be greatly appreciated. :o|

could this be casued by a needle/seat slightly leaking??
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One area to check is the choke on the side of the carb. If that sticks for whatever reason (dirt, bent, scratched) then you would run super rich. You would smell it too, and maybe even get rich smoke with a brownish color to it.

If that's not it, then start from the beginning - spark, air, fuel. Be sure that all cyls fire (check for all 3 pipes to get warm) or have a buddy who owes you money hold the plug wire while you run the engine ... if he makes funy noises, you have spark.

If you get good spark, then it's a carb issue not a spark issue. Bent rod or float or valve causing flooding? You should notice it during operation if it's binding. Leaking valve would be harder to determine.

Then again, if you damaged a reed valve, even that could cause sub-optimal operation, but usually not an overly rich condition.
thanks for the reply mustang ( by way i have a 69 fastback myself). the 3 pipes do get warm no problem. it only happens after i shut down on the trail. the centre plug becomes wet and will not fire until i replace it with a dry or fresh plug. then it fires right up and runs great. i will take the carbs apart again and check the float level and needle/seats. i'll also double check the choke as well. appreciate it
have you tried to switch the spark plug boot with another cylinder to see if the problem follows the boot or not?? I have seen boots do this if the carbs are in correct working order.
i wanted to let everyone know i figured out what was causing my centre plug problem. i had a bad spark plug boot and i adjusted my floats and she runs great now. thanks for everyone for your help and suggestions. ;)!
