new super phazer?


New member
Jan 26, 2006
sault ste marie ontario
was talking to the local dealer today and he said they hear yamaha wii be coming out with a big brother to the phazer in 3cly .any body confirm or shoot this down?
was told the sled would be about 130 or so hp.the orginal phazer when it came out was also concidered goofy in it debut but look where that went.the old phazer has to be one of the great sleds from on a slight tangent ,i went out the other day and at the local trailhead met up with 3 generations of yammies.a old phazer ,my 94 vmax and a 06 apex.the apex was owned by a friend and we went for a couple of hours riding and had a blast.the vmax ran great .with the new belt,predator track,and composit skis the sled will lift the skis at 50 mph which suprised the hell ot of me.
Ive heard that rumor too. 977cc triple with EFI in the FX chassis. I can neither confirm nor deny it though. I guess you will just have to wait and see what happens on Feb 25th.
I think it would be one wicked sled though. The Phazer is a great sled but it needs a little more power in order to satisfy the real hardcore riders.
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I saw a Yamaha rep on a 08 Phazer in Old forge NY on Tuesday. It was the same Phazer with a few changes and new colors. Dark blue and gold. I did notice the huge hole under the seat that exposes the track was now closed in with aluminum panels. Otherwise looked and sounded the same. They were in town for the Yamaha demos. Jeff Wurl
I wonder if they'll call it the Exciter? That would be's like turning back the clock 20 years. They were cutting edge then, they are poised to do a repeat again.

I saw my first Phazer at the dealer and was extremely impressed, it only makes sense that aggressive trail/rider performance sleds will go that direction. Put a 120-130hp triple in one, call it an Exciter again, it'll set the snowmobiling world on it's ear!

They should make one in black with gold trim, that'd be something, a tribute to the old Vmax/Excel/Exciters.
