Best 01 SRX Clutch setup


New member
Feb 19, 2004
Verona, WI
Hey guys, I have a completely stock 01 SRX. It is pretty fast, can take down a lot of big muscle. Just looking for a little extra for little money. Can I throw a helix and spring at it to get a few more miles per hour out of it. This is what we do, lake racing from about 40 to 50 mph on. So I am just looking for a little more speed all the way through. I don't need to be quicker in x amount of feet, just want to be the fastest from mid to top end. We usually run long runs of over 1/2 mile or more. What do you guys suggest?
Thank You,
8DN-00 weights are extremely good for top end, they have a lot of belt force out at the end of the shift curve. They are best for riding exactly as you describe.
8BU's are good weights but they are designed more of strong low end and midrange. Harder to get good top end out of them because they simply dont apply as much belt squeezing force on the top end of the shift curve. What helix are you planning on running? Something around a 51/43 or so will work good with the green spring.
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70 chevelle i have some 8dn00's iwill sell you but 8dn 20's will be better the onlt thing 8dn 00's will be better at is mph they will be slower than the 20's draging your buddies.
run the stock weights and pick up a 48-40 advantage helix
I guess I was just asking if I could throw a helix and spring at it and get a little more top end out of it. I put a 53/43 with a Green spring on my secondary on my Viper and it's made a big difference over stock. Just wondered if there was something like that that I could do to the 01 SRX.

51/43 helix
green ( or stock red works too) secondary
WWW primary ( raises engagemnt a little)
and 4.5 gram rivits in heel

is the most common (budget) clutch setup for srx.

I also machined the center flange on my helix 0.100" for more shiftout, ( but i haven't confirmed if it did anything yet.)

