98 srx

to much money for a fouled plug by the time you buy that you can buy new plugs try the lighter trick works like a charm and cost .89 cents
you can also carry a little butane torch that fits in your pocket as well. works better then a lighter and gets the end of the plug a lot hotter to help clean it. you should be able to find those in any auto or hardware store for a few bucks. ;)!
I worked a month in a motorcycle shop, one time we had an old Arctic Cat JAG in the shop. He told me to start it and ride it out of the shop. It started after many pulls and then stopped.

I told him that it probably fouled a sparkplug, so I figured we`d have to put new plugs in it, but then he told me about the propane tricks. (I hadn`t heard about it before).
I used a welding torch to heat it up and the plug was fine after that.
However, he told me that it wouldn`t work with a lighter.. it would only make it worse because there would be more "carbon" from the lighter flame.
But maybe he`s wrong then.. .

Oh, what should I use for cleaning a sparkplug, or is it stupid to clean them?. Guess they wount fire any better if it`s shiny.. ?.

How will a fixed fouled plug last as long as a new plug?.
i found that kleen flo combustion chamber cleaner works very well let the end soak in it then burn it off with a propane torch it cleans it right up...i learned if u make this stuff boil with heat it will make aluminum look brand new as well... i learned this from a friend at a garage when i had to do my IAC motor on my truck looked brand new after i boiled the combustion cleaner in it
I carry a can of starter fluid in the trailer and found that that stuff dissolves carbon quite well. I love starter fluid. Those BR9ECS plugs cost too much to throw out.

Just don't overuse it or you could become addicted.
