02 SRX Gearing


VIP Lifetime Member
Aug 21, 2005
Amherst, WI
Anyone tell me if a 70 link chain will work with a 23 top & a 36 bottom?
Anybody have a 36 tooth gear for sale? :confused:
if you go to the tech section you can find a section on yamaha gearing charts this will show you what length chain to use with what gears. hope this helps
Thanks SNORULES but I've been looking for a gearing chart that has 36 tooth listed. Only 1"s I've found goes to 37????
nope the only gearing I have found uses a 37 gear and it is in the tech section under clutching and jetting scroll down till you see gearing that is the best one I have seen. What do you need that small of a lower gear for?????????????????????????
By using the 23 top with the 36 bottom I can get around the 1.56 gear ratio with I think a 68 link chain. I already have a 23 top I just need the 36 bottom. Instead of getting a 24 top with the 37 or 38 bottom then I would have to buy another chain.
If that makes any sense? I have a buddy that ran this gear ratio & loved it. He says the motor has plenty of power on the bottom end to pull the lower gear, then U get alot better mid range & more top end.
it seems like it would be really hard to get full shift out with that setup. Let us know what you find with it. What are you running for clutching?
