Hard Starting and why?


New member
Dec 12, 2006
Avon, NY
What makes a sled start fast or slow? All sleds I have you have to pull it about 3-4 Times :whine: when cold and 1/2 -1 when warm. I see guys all the time go out in the morning and one pull and there off. What the heck?

Some sleds just start easier, plain and simple. Correctly set choke and fuel screws will also effect how easy or hard your sled starts. You should try pulling over an 800 twin when it's -10F. Those first 2-3 pulls have to be nice and EASY, otherwise you'll rip your arm out.
My '01 usually takes 6-8 pulls when its real cold out, then 1st pull the rest of the day. EFI's start in a real hurry. One pull to pressurize the system, then starts on the second. Shoulda bought a cat hey?
try starting a super mod tcat when it's ten below. you have to plug it in for a couple hours and you still rip your arm pulling it. on a reg. cat 4-5 slow pulls then a couple quick and she'll start and around 5-6 on my viper. well that was before it blew up.
My Polaris is 2 pulls when the engine is cold and 1 pull when its warm. My '90 Phazer always started on the 2nd pull cold. I used to have a '99 Polaris 700 XC SP that had a primer and a choke. Give it 2 squirts of the primer, full choke and it ALWAYS started on the first pull cold.
Some sleds are just more cold-blooded than others.
