CB, Triple Points or Shaper bars. Which to buy?


New member
Dec 19, 2005
Just curious which is the best all around (deep snow and icy/hardpack) runners to buy? Also which ones come with studs long enough to accomodate ski savers?


Bergstrom triples

Stud Boy Shaper bars?

decisions, decisions....
I like the cb performane carbides for northern ,wi trail where there icy.For all snow and off trail logging roadsI like the stud boy shapers.
After shimming my skis and installing Kims shapers I got rid of most all darting and they bite good in the corners.
Doh! Looks like we have votes for all 3 brands. Guess you really can't go wrong with any of them, apparently all great in their own right. What's pushing me to the shaper's is the price. Right now for the skis that I have on there I can probably get a set for around $28 plus shipping.

archer- Who's Kim? Is that different than Stud Boy shaper's?
ACS sells carbides in magazines like Shade Tree and probably dennis kirk and jr graham. Kind of a lower-priced carbide runner than all of the others.
CB performance has done all of my race carbides for the past 2 years. Yes I have a sponsorship from Studboy and use there ice pics.
I look at it this way - CB performance are the little guys that are pasionate about the sport. My dollar gets more milage and means more to them as it would for the larger corporate guys. Have meet both Bruce and his son and they are top notch guys.
Sorry! yes thats the ...eh, old lady.. I bought her new C and A's and Rich provided a set of wear bars with them, so I took her old ones which had Studboy Shapers on them and put them on the SRX. CA's dont seem to need them as much as stock skis.
