Why women live longer than Men

LMAO at the guys pullin the lawn tractor around with the ATV.
I'm sure me and my buddies have done that at one time or another.
Bischof said:
LMAO at the guys pullin the lawn tractor around with the ATV.
I'm sure me and my buddies have done that at one time or another.
I wonder what was going through his brain as the steering wheel popped off in his hands. Lmao for sure!
that atv and tractor clip was taped in menno SD, a certain person here was the driver.....................LOL
LMAO!!! Exactly how much skill was it when the steering wheel popped off and you hit the corner of the garage?

That right there is a classic!!!! I watched it a few times its hilarious what people from Menno do for fun! :rofl:
That was some NASCAR technology there that you saw with the steering wheel popping off. All for the name of safety! You like my new helmet I had one there?!

