I am going to get a set of Simons triple pipes, have the heads milled, and have an ATACC system installed. Anyones advice or comments on this set up are appreciated, thanks.
What about the Opticool head gaskets?
What about the Opticool head gaskets?
New member
when i had the opticool gasket it never ran hot and all 3 cylinder temps were within 2degrees f. very good setup with excellent power.
Make sure you have someone who knows this setup well do the work or at least give very good specs for the work. Setup is everything (as usual) on that combination.
There are several on here that have this knowledge (I am not one of them), maybe one of them will post here.
There are several on here that have this knowledge (I am not one of them), maybe one of them will post here.
Your #1 performance shop!
Are you up at high elevation or roughly sea level? If you're at sea level elevation I would not mill the head due to the increase in compression making the jetting with the pipes even less forgiving than normal. Give us some more information here.
I live in Fairbanks and ride in the mountains and around locally.
Fairbanks is 436 ft above sea level and the mountains that I normally ride are 2000-3500ft above sea level.
Fairbanks is 436 ft above sea level and the mountains that I normally ride are 2000-3500ft above sea level.
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VIP Member
I would have to agree with Allen on this, I would not mill the head!
New member
Unless he means he's going to have the head mod done?