I got a call from a guy that needed his 1998 sRX 700 clutched. Said it was running 9200 rpm & couldn,t beat his buds 600 sx-r that I set up. No probs; I go pull the primary & this is what I found!!!!!! never ever seen one this bad that was still together.
I got a call from a guy that needed his 1998 sRX 700 clutched. Said it was running 9200 rpm & couldn,t beat his buds 600 sx-r that I set up. No probs; I go pull the primary & this is what I found!!!!!! never ever seen one this bad that was still together.
New member
HOLY CRAP! 9200 RPM!?!? Can I get some info on this guy I wanna buy a life insurance policy in his name!!!!!
New member
Now thats a crack!
Wow that pic made my left leg twitch and pull back out of the way. There would have been some big chunks coming off that one. Killer chunks I would believe.
New member
i got a clutch in my garage right now with exact same size crack in the same spot. i think it only held together because the crack goes between where the weight bolts on.
New member
Tell the guy to buy himself and you a lottery ticket; he must have horse shoes up his butt right now.
New member
Looks familiar to me!
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New member
thats what happened to my sled 2 years ago...Im glad the guy is alright, imagine at 9200 RPM's and that thing letting go....damn
Concept Carbon
New member
mine cracked in the exact same place in my 97 sx700. i see if i can dig it up.
New member
My heart skipped a beat after I read 9200 RPM and then saw the picture.
I've seen 2 different AC clutches, a 3 post and a 4 post type, grenade on the same trip. One was near WOT the other was not. Amazing what happens when you loose parts while the motor is spinning.
I've seen 2 different AC clutches, a 3 post and a 4 post type, grenade on the same trip. One was near WOT the other was not. Amazing what happens when you loose parts while the motor is spinning.
Your #1 performance shop!
So did you replace the sheave Turk? LOL!