89 XL-v what else fits


New member
Feb 12, 2007
I got a XLV with about 1600 miles and need a back shock for her. Does anyone know what other modles may fit?? I cant find anything about the XLV.

Anyone know anything about this old sled???

thanks for the help.

http://www.yamaha-motor.com/sport/m...L2hvbWUuYXNweA==/Parts Catalog/starthere.aspx

It is not that common a sled but I am pretty sure it would have parts in common with other sleds of it's year. Try looking up the parts catalogue there and then looking at other models (like SRV and Phaser) to see if their shocks are the same or close. It looks to me like it uses a pretty common hydraulic shock about 10 inches long.
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Kewl thanks!!

You said it was not common, did it suck??

Does anyone know how to stiffen up the rear suspension??

I have an 89 XLV that outpulls my 89 SRV! Has some tail wag issues, but runs very strong. Goes thru a ton of oil! I need to stiffen up mine as well. Rode tonight with my daughter on back (400+ with gear for both of us), bottomed quite a few times.

So the fact that I cant pull a wheelie no matter how hard I pull might be OK.

Anyone know how to stiffen up the back suspension?? I cant see any adjustments. It bottoms out on a regular basis. I am used to quads where they have a coil over shock. This has four coiled springs and two shocks. Neither seem to have any adjustments.
Does the shock prevent it from bottoming out or do you think the springs are shot.
When I release from pushing the back end down it does not come right back up, there is still some damping left in the shock so it is not completely shot..
I am confused, on a quads shock if it bottoms out you stiffen up the spring, this seems like the shock it self keeps it from bottoming out.

any help is greatly appreciated, I don't know how much more my old ladies as........ back can take =)

