Replacing Drive shaft Bearings


New member
Dec 12, 2005
Southern Ontario
When replacing the Drive shaft bearings on both sides of the drive shaft do I need to drop the rear suspension or can I just back off the track tension and pull the chaincase off and speedo end bearing?? Yamaham
How many miles on the bearings!

I was just wondering how many miles you have on your drive axle bearings. Did they blow or start vibrating? Mine just turned 5000 miles. I normally get about 9-10k miles out of them on previous sleds.
Thanks for the reply, I am replacing a buddys now with 10k on it, we were not sure where vibration was coming from until we pulled it apart. My sled has same km's and notices it seemed to have a low speed vibration in the deep powder as well, so I'm going to replace before I end up with bigger bills..
Man only 10k :-(

That sucks your buddies drive shaft bearings only last 10,000 kms. I'm use to getting 15000kms out of them on previous sleds. Guess the lack of a grease fitting on these vipers, kills them faster. Looks like I will be doing mine this spring, if I keep the sled. Where abouts in Ontario are you from. I'm from the kitchener area. Ps trails are awesome to the north and west of here. Should have 2000km by the end of the week.

This may sound silly to some but I replace mine every year or every other. I have seen them go bad as little as 1300 miles. $20.00 bearings or a long walk home?
I from Cambridge, end of Cambridge trail is almost in my back yard, best sledding around here in a long time. Hope the coming warm weather does not mess things up to bad. PM me some time if your looking for someone to go for a ride..Mike
edunn69 said:
No, you do not have to drop the suspension. I just did mine last weekend by loosening the track.

When you did it just remove side shroud take the speedo pick up off and bearing cover, back off set screws and bearing comes out or do you need specialtools?
No special tools, just loosen the 2 torx set screws and it will come off. You may have to use a pry bar in the tunnel to push it out.
where did u find them for 20 bucks? my dealer wanst clsoe to 40 for the speedo side i fon one in a after market book that looks like itll work but the ID measurment is 1 inch and the drive shaft is 52 mm thast like .985 inch i think it has set screws so i dont think itll matter too much o just wanan be sure.
The speedo bearing is the only one you have to get from the dealer. The others can be bought at your local napa.
I just did mine last week. Be sure to soak with wd-40 or comparable. The end of the shaft was also very slightly mushroomed out which made it difficult to get off. I had to use a dremel to sand down the shaft, then it came off.
