speedos not workin and vibrations in sled help


New member
Sep 29, 2005
berkshire mass
my speedo stoped workin . cable is hooked up and at first the odometer was workin but not any more. it would clime till like 30 and drop back down. i went on like a 30 -40 mile ride tonight and about 3/4 of the way home i notcied a vibration in the sled. felt like it was in the drive train some ware. i checked the speedo side bearing(cause speedo not workin and vibration maybe blown bearing) but the it seems fine its still centered and doesnt move. the vitration is only there when i first get on the gas or let off like around 20-30 mph.

what should i be lookin for on either thing. oh also break light keeps goin out once in a while. im thinkin a short some were. but that shouldnt effect the speedo should it? that all gear driven isnt it? but doesnt the needle deflect by using a magnet and a electrical field? but teh odomerter should be all gear driven right? maybe the gears inside striped?
the sled only has like 3000 miles on it tho. my bro has teh same sled bought at teh same time with 11000 and his were fine befor he blew his exchanger. ive checked teh shaft it doenst move at all side to side or up and down. doesnt feel like its blown. its def not blown out. ill pull it off and check it tho.

any other ideas what it might be? also the speedo isnt workin and i highy dout the key is sheared cause it still goes up to 30 mph and then drops down.
Doesn't matter... these things have gone in as little as 2500 miles. I would also check the chaincase bearing too... chances are it's fine, but you can never be too sure. If the speedo bearing gets bad enough it can take out the whole works in extreme cases. I would just replace the bearing and be done with it. It's cheap. I had my speedo quit working last year. When I pulled the bearing there was only the slightest wobble in it, but imagine what that wobble can translate to spinning at 100 mph. I would do like you said only change one thing, pull it off and replace it. Then a good thing is to drill and tap a hole, install a grease fitting and put about 2 pumps of grease into the speedo housing about every 1500 miles or so.
yea i plan on doin the bearin but why isnt my speedo not workin? the odmeter is but not the speedo. nad it deflects sometimes but not always. also my tail light keeps goin out? im not toaly sure how the speedo works but im guessing the cable spins a small generator that uses that power to defelct teh needle thats atacthed to a magnate. am i wrong there? and if thats the case its prolly in miliamps and prolly uses a some power from the sled to amp it up? could a short be causeing it? or if it works some otehr way could some one explane. im take a total guess here i dont feel like ripin it apart unless i have to. what about puttin the cable in a drill and seein if it registers at all. if it doesnt that means its not the key right? wich i dout it is cause the odometer was still workin.
If the odometer works okay it is not the cable. The bearing is probably okay.
You apparently have a bad speedometer.
well i figured out the problem. it was the bearing. it was spanked. i put a use one in for now till i can get one in from work. ronnies wants 38 bucks for one. parts unlimited $3.95 wonder what one im gonna buy. i think some PU for that price ill just replace it once a year. lol the reason the speedo was messin up was the the key wasnt sheared it was stripping and just catching.
