M10 on a Phazer II


New member
Feb 9, 2007
Torbay, Newfoundland
I have a 91 Phazer II in mint condition that I love and have no plans to part with. I have been thinking about getting a M10 suspension for it. Has anyone here ever done it or know much about it?

The biggest thing you'll notice is the rear will probably seem quite jacked up compared to the front.It will ride nice,but will be quite out of balance I would think.I have never saw a m-10 on a phazer, maybe for this reason and I'm not sure if I would do it.Possibly someone else will chime in with some further input.
When I worked for FAST in highschool I remember the tech guys installing one on an Exciter and a Phazer II. I was going to get one installed on my personal Phazer II since employee cost was only 695$ for a M10 but I got a different job before I saved up enough cash.
Thanks for the input so far. I may look at installing the TSS from a 94-95 VMAX to get the extra couple of inches in height as well. Kepp the thoughts coming.

Hey everyone I have a complete gsxr motor that I would like to put in a phazer.does anyone know someone that has done this or any problems that I might run into? Was going to buy just the tunnel put the motor in then do the complete suspension
Hey everyone I have a complete gsxr motor that I would like to put in a phazer.does anyone know someone that has done this or any problems that I might run into? Was going to buy just the tunnel put the motor in then do the complete suspension
