Me and my brother went for a little ride today and i noticed my sled boincin around and i could hear the track hittin the tunnel soo i got offf and looked and it was sittin as low as a sx or srx sled.... i look under the skid and the long shock was bent in half... idk how i did it but.. dose anyone have a used shock they can sell me for a good price i want a viper shock i herd there vaulved stiffer..
See other post about parts on Ebay
Ok thanks. But dose any one know a reason why the shock would bend like that. ill take a picture of it i find it kinda weird its almost bent 90 degrees...
New member
Were you jumping it? I've done that from launching mine. Check to make sure you only bent the shock.
I had this happen back in the snocross days. I believe the cause is a hard hit as the shock is in rebound motion. I do not remember valve specs now, but the problem is rare. I would simply replace the shock rod or totally revalve with Bruce at Pioneer Performance.
Good luck
Good luck
New member
bent shocks
My shocks used to bend. The shafts would. The reason is you are losing gas pressure. Once the gas is gone, so is your shock. Make sure you know who is rebuilding your shocks or that you have a good system to pressurize the gas. Takes a lot of practice to get good reliable shock rebuilds. If the shocks are stock, your riding is too harsh for the stock settings. Yamaha is always too soft in their shock valving.
Hope this helps,
My shocks used to bend. The shafts would. The reason is you are losing gas pressure. Once the gas is gone, so is your shock. Make sure you know who is rebuilding your shocks or that you have a good system to pressurize the gas. Takes a lot of practice to get good reliable shock rebuilds. If the shocks are stock, your riding is too harsh for the stock settings. Yamaha is always too soft in their shock valving.
Hope this helps,
New member