red devil
New member
I was wondering if anyone has daltons phone number? thanx in advance.
red devil
New member
Are they in canada?If so will it take longer for shipping from there?thanx for ###
I think the easiest way to get parts from Dalton is to go through one of their distributors here in the states. I have used Hi Performance Engineering out of Thief River Falls, MN and had great luck. That may be the easiest and the quickest.
red devil
New member
I was going to have my dealership call them. They don't use them but I thought if they called I would get my parts at a reasonable time say by friday.If not I live in the east how would you find there distributor here or can any company call?
Your #1 performance shop!
What exactly are you looking for? We are a dealer for their products and may have what you need in stock?
New member
cant buy direct from dalton any longer. have to buy from a dealer for them or distributer. spec can set you up with what you need. ski