Can I do this??


New member
Dec 5, 2005
Eagle, WI
My mother wants to sell her sled, so I was thinking about buying it because it has low miles under 900, but the flaw is its a 500 XT. Can I put in a 700 non-pv motor???

What would all entail in doing this?

Also its a 98 if that matters at all. I believe I can but I figured I would ask you guys first.
ANYTHING can be done. If you have the will there is a way. You would need the motor mounts from the 700 i believe as well, along with all the electrical to go with the engine and then the time to do it.
I can be done fairly easy with the parts, but the 98 500's are just as quick as the700 non pv's, I have a 700 mm and my buddies 500 xtc is quicker off the line with about the same top speed 155 kms. 97-99 twins strong machines.
vipmtn03 said:
I can be done fairly easy with the parts, but the 98 500's are just as quick as the700 non pv's, I have a 700 mm and my buddies 500 xtc is quicker off the line with about the same top speed 155 kms. 97-99 twins strong machines.

That is comparing apples to peanuts. The mm has much lower gearing and clutching is not optimized for speed runs, and the tall track and suspension all add up to less speed. A stock 700 will dust a well setup 500. Setup the 700 well and its a joke.
yamaholic22 sorry sould have mechiened the differance which is little 121 to 141 both machines clutched, same gearing 21-40, 8t drivers both running 2" paddle tracks. only mmax has reverse 500 don't sorry for the confusion THANKS try to be clearer next time.
Been there dun that. Except mine was a 600 twin. You need the motor mounts all the electricals, air box, rear cooler, throttle cable and probably some other little stuff I forget. I used a wrecked one so it was pretty easy.
