ny registration?


New member
Dec 26, 2006
Long Island, NY - ride in Island Pond VT
ok this is my first time registering a sled. i went to DMV got it in my name. got the registration transfered to me and they gave me TWO yellow registration stickers. ok what do i do with them? is there a certain spot im suppose to put them. I thought they issue you a number??
NO! You have to have the registration number sticker 1st. They should of gave you some at dmv. Or there should be some on the sled from the previous owner. If you dont have them on your sled you need to go back to dmv and tell them you need new ones. They will give you a new # and new stickers. Those do have to go on your cowl and the yellow sticker goes on that.
You have to have the white rectangle sticker with your numbers on it...they should of been on there from the previous owner but if they aren`t then you need new ones.
I still have the dmv number sticker on my sled too, but the previous owner put it on the tunnel, so I kept them there and put the numbers on the windshield.
