Vintage Racing video


VIP Member
Oct 2, 2004
Gurnee, Illinois
Here is a fairly long video of some of the racing we did this last weekend. It is 14 minutes long but I tried to keep it interesting. I raced in alot of classes that were far to much for the sled I was on but faired pretty well. I made all five of my final races.

I won the single cylinder class Final on a 250 ET
I won the 340 Fan class final on our 340 enticer
I placed fourth in the 440 fan class final on the 340 enticer
I placed fourth in the 300 fan class on the 250 ET
Lastly, I placed last in the 340 free air class where I spun out when going for 3rd place.

The other guy racing in the beginning of the video did very well in the 50 or older class but ran into lap traffic and didn't make the best decissions. He was racing on our 340 Enticer which if you notice was winning for 6 of 8 laps ahead of a 433 GPX. Hope you enjoy. Thanks
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That track was extremely small and I heard the one we are racing on next weekend is even smaller but not by much. The track we raced previous to that was huge with probably a 300-350 foot straight. We caught the bug unfortunitely but we are now in it for the points, three more races in the season. Good luck to you and your season aswell.

Reason for starting to race this year is simply because there is absolutely no snow this year. You need to have something to do in the winter....right?
Very cool video. Do you have a version with the sound of the machines instead of the music? I always wondered what vintage sleds sounded like. Looks like fun, may have to get a single or free air sled with all the money I saved from not riding much this year.
Nice Video. the track is really small, the funny thing is the 340 enticer you have, watching the race looks like me i have the same sled and same suit. that could be me!. Maybe next year. Watching this i think i might have caught the bug.
Very cool

load up your sleds and come over here March 4th for our last race. very nice 300x250 oval only 12 miles from my house. Take a long weekend and make a ROAD TRIP!
Tell your ol man to bring his SSR out to play also, Have a buddy that needs some competition for his SSR
anybody at detroit lakes for the rola 100?
my uncle and some friends went down for the second year (last year was in bemidji) and had a blast. placed 12th in the 340 class out of 50+ sleds in that class (on a 71 lynx/kawi, nearly 100 total showed for the race.
antique one lunger stock junk racing. 100 miles on about twenty horsepower, good times. anyone who thinks their 100+ mph sled is to slow needs to get into this stuff. 55 mph on a 71 lynx is plenty fast enough.
we went to a cross country vintage race last year that my 16 year old cousin wanted to ride in. before the race he asked me what his strategy should be and i told him half jokingly "put it to the pin and keep it there till you get back". hour and a half later we see the first snowmobile coming back and its my cousin, he won 250 dollars and a nice big trophy by about 4 miles. he tells us he "never let of the throttle once except the two times i crashed".
Hey now Berry...... I know alot of guys that race the ROLA one lunger 100. The comment "antique one lunger stock junk racing" is really far from the truth. I am thinking about putting a GP292 together for the race next year. It will be a switch from my oval racing
montynormand said:
Hey now Berry...... I know alot of guys that race the ROLA one lunger 100. The comment "antique one lunger stock junk racing" is really far from the truth. I am thinking about putting a GP292 together for the race next year. It will be a switch from my oval racing

it is really, in the last couple years people have spent alot of money on their "junk" but in the end there is only so much you can do with a 35 year old sled. you'll learn alot about gearing and clutching working on these machines. the bone stock races are great because they get guys like old farmers who can grab some junk they've had sitting in the barn for 20 years, get it running and have a chance at winning.

if your at all interested there is a race in saltcoats saskatchewan on the 3rd of march. i know its 100 miles and a 292 and a 340 class. last year engine mods were allowed (porting and such) but i'm not sure about this year. all i know is good times to be had.

oh yeah and tommorow there is a relic run in minnedosa. 10 bux to enter and only 15k run. last year there were nearly 200 people showed up and the weathers supposed to be nice. roast beef dinner and cash bar and if you know anybody from minnedosa you'll know its bound to be entertaining at the very least. even if you dont have a vintage sled your more than welcome. i'm takin the yamaha and a buddy is takin a quad and my other buddy is takin his half ton cuz just showing up is gonna be a blast.
Well, I guess its all about opinion. I have been racing vintage - Pre '78 now for 3 years. Yes there are alot of low budget guys out there trying to have fun. But you really are not shocked when you dont see them back the next year. Here in Central minnesota, I am usually less than 100 miles from any race. And every sunday I race less than 12 miles from my home.
your comment
"it is really, in the last couple years people have spent alot of money on their "junk" but in the end there is only so much you can do with a 35 year old sled."
is off the mark. Once you get into this form of racing you would be amazed at what is being done to the sleds. I know of 3 guys from Rola racing and Vols Racing groups that have openend their check books to buy there own dyno's. MY little 24 year old SR292 is pumping out nealy 60hp, and I could buy a new Phazer with what I have invested into this machine

This vintage stuff has gotten pretty serious and pretty hightech here in my area. Check out these race groups websites for pictures if your intrested
