What kind of riding do you do?


New member
Nov 16, 2003
Oakland, Maine
I was just reading the 08 Teaser thread and it got me to thinking about the many different types of riding there are and how different things are important for each type. It made me curious as to how the majority of people ride and what's important to them. I like to trail ride, usually between 200-400 miles a day. I mostly trailer a couple hours from my house to make a day trip, with an occassional weekend trip, and if I'm lucky (like this year) I'll get away for a full week of riding. Top end is not that important to me, although i like to open it up once in a while and not be at the back of the pack. The most important things to me are a sled that corners great, will rocket out of a corner, and has a suspension that can handle a wide range of terrain. I'm no ditch banger, but when the trail gets nasty, I don't like to slow down.

I'm curiuos to here what other like.
thats about the kinda riding that I like to do, but I am not usually as lucky to get 400 miles in usually 150-200 on average. I just did my first long trip with the mono in my viper, its about the best of everything for that kind of riding. nice, smooth ride with great cornering and enough power to get right up to speed :)
usually we trailer about a mile thru town to the trailhead and can pickup trails from there - if it's during the week we have a loop we run that's about 85 miles, but on the weekends we like to go from 150-250 depending on when we get moving. this year about half of my miles are on the lakes.
Boy i'm the same way, trail rider that likes to squeeeeeze it a time or two
not interested in racing at all, love stock machines, and nice loooong rides..
Used to be a 60/40 trail/off-trail rider, but lately its more like 10/90. I'll use the trails to get out of town and then it's off on my own. Too many folks who can't keep to their side of the trail.

When we rode the trails, average day was 120 or so miles...now, riding off trail, might spend the entire day riding and only go 40 miles.

I am fortunate and can ride directly from home or the cabin... I mainly use the trailer to take the sleds back and forth to the cabin.

A little off trail action:

I like long distance trail riding on flat trails, but I also like off trail and pounding through the moguls, this is when I hate the no-action.
I'm mostly out of control and try to implement my euro riding skills on the left side of the trail. I have no hands, so signals are done with a wild shake of the head and I drag garbage cans so that everyone has something to dodge. JK

trails fast, but always within my limits and conditions. I never drink more then one and ride. I love to jump, carve and bang. I stand up most of the time and I'm always lookng for some powder to throw around...my wife and friends call me "Dusty" that's why I ride in back, most of the time. although lately I've been leading, which has been a great change. AVU - out!


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Allvipedup said:
I'm mostly out of control and try to implement my euro riding skills on the left side of the trail. I have no hands, so signals are done with a wild shake of the head and I drag garbage cans so that everyone has something to dodge. JK

trails fast, but always within my limits and conditions. I never drink more then one and ride. I love to jump, carve and bang. I stand up most of the time and I'm always lookng for some powder to throw around...my wife and friends call me "Dusty" that's why I ride in back, most of the time. although lately I've been leading, which has been a great change. AVU - out!
DITTO , we have to hook up and ride!! Are you going to make the TY demo ride next week?
I guess I'm lucky too. We don't use the trailer. We take off usually over to Lake Cadillac on the Heritage Trail then get off the lake at The Sands in Cadillac West and then hit Lake Mitchell and head out to Lost Pines Lodge. ;):D Trails only. I don't risk hitting #$%&* and #$%&*ing up my sled.
I Trail ride alot maybe 200 miles a ride but I like the rough stuff powerlines for me is a good way to get alot of miles but not get bored, meaning ya have to stand alot and be prepared for nasty wooped out spots. when its in the single digits me and my brother are still drentched with sweat with that kinda riding you get hott! the smooth stuff its nice to relax some times. :letitsnow
I ride trails only to get to the powder. Try to never ride in tracked or packed snow. Climb a hill once in a while but prefer deep over steep. We got some spots in Colorado where I have rode for 3 days without seeing a track my buddies and I didn't put down. That's my Idea of Heaven. 40 miles a day with 2-4 digs is a average day.
I like riding off trail in the ditches or on the river. Trails are too boring around here. I like speed, every chance I get it's held to the bar. I'm alway's looking for jumps too. My buddie's like to climb the river banks, but some of them are very steep and I'm alway's scared the sled will flip over. Maybe 20 years ago when I was fearless. Drag racing, speed, and flying over the jumps is what I like. I got some pipes coming for the Viper. Hopefully I will get to try them before the snow is gone. I love the feeling of hanging the ski's on a wide open blast.
justaviper said:
I like riding off trail in the ditches or on the river. Trails are too boring around here. I like speed, every chance I get it's held to the bar. I'm alway's looking for jumps too. My buddie's like to climb the river banks, but some of them are very steep and I'm alway's scared the sled will flip over. Maybe 20 years ago when I was fearless. Drag racing, speed, and flying over the jumps is what I like. I got some pipes coming for the Viper. Hopefully I will get to try them before the snow is gone. I love the feeling of hanging the ski's on a wide open blast.
True that, i will usually ride on the side of the trail as opposed to the trail, trails are quite tame in the area where im from. I like to make first tracks and search continously for untracked snow.
