Viper suffering on the top end....


New member
Apr 11, 2004
Viper isn't reving up to the RPMS that it should when i pin the throttle... up to a few days ago it would rev up to about 8400 rpms and slowly climb, now i pin it and it goes to 7400 doesn't climb at all

However, if i slowly ease down on the trottle it will rev all the way to 8400... first throught was the powervalves were gummed up because i put non powervalve polaris oil in her because that is all the gas station had. Took them out and cleaned them however did not adjust them (did have some polaris blue gunk on them). Made no difference, where should i look next...

Right now i just have the 48/40 helix in at a 70 degree twist and was running good at the right RPMS. Should i look there or in the carbs? Not sure where to look? Any ideas?
No never adjusted them, it was running poor before i pulled the valves out... but would that cause a 1000 rpm drop?
I would pull the valves apart clean and adjust, you may have a cable
pulled through is what happend,do that and try it may not be your
problem but it's a good thing to do and you can rule that out..
My approach at this would be to place the sled up on a jackstand, remove the servo motor cover and start up the sled, turn the idle down below 900 rpm and observe if the servo motor is opening the valves? Then using a blk perm. marker mark the pulley and mark the housing.
Then return idle speed to correct rpm (1500-1800rpm) and then make a few wide open pulls, make sure it opens to the same mark on the pulley/housing.

post your findings and we can go from there.
Yeah i will do that tommorow, however last night when i rode it thing was running like a champ! Could pin it and it would rise up to about 8400 and slowly rise... hit 100 on the speedo like nothing and smoked an F6! Im still gona check it out.... any ideas now... the temp was a few degrees cooler out when it ran last night.
Also how long does it take ur sled to idle down real low like 1000rpm's or so and how low should the rpms go depending on how long it idles to warm up say 5-8 minutes?
yahadriver23 said:
Also how long does it take ur sled to idle down real low like 1000rpm's or so and how low should the rpms go depending on how long it idles to warm up say 5-8 minutes?
they should idle at 15-1800rpms, should idle down in about 5-10 sec.
after warmed up and ran already.
Alright so how do u tell if a valve is pull through?

Still suffering, but sometimes it runs like a champ. Seems to run better in the cold weather, maybe to rich, fairly warm out today and was running like crap...
Well there is no pulled through valve, went through some old threads and adjusted them and tested them, also did what mr. viper said to do, everything is working great when it comes to the power valves

Thought it might have something to do in the clutching, i backed the twist of the secondary spring off to 60% just for sh*ts and giggles and still the same results, doesn't feel like its winding all the way out.

But now thinking, it runs great in teh cold but crappy in the warmer weather.... it is not over heating, and kinda sounds like a dog when u stomp on the throttle, but again if you slowly ease in the throttle will rev all the way up!!!! Never gona win a race witht his set up lol
