I am tred of working on the snowmbile

Vmax540 said:
:) :) :)

I am selling this snowmbile for parts only. I am tred of working on the snowmbile you get a mile from home and it will stop and i am it.
Ah the good old days of sleddin' . . .

Never get too far from the barn, cause you might have to walk back . . .

What is a trail ? ? ? . . . I have never heard of a snowmobile trail before . . .
For the life of me I cannot tell which yamaha sled that is. Generally a picture of the entire thing would be nice or at least starting at the front and working back. It's kind like taking a picture of someone's legs and feet and saying you need an ID.

Funny we never wrenched on our '76 340 and '79 440 Exciters.
FuzzButt said:
Funny we never wrenched on our '76 340 and '79 440 Exciters.
Yah, but can you say that about any sled from the late 60's early 70's?

Remember the ones where you kept the carb cover off and eventually lost it altogether because you had to constantly adjust it. "It" meaning 1 carb, and many only had one lung altogether.
pretty good shape for a late 70's gs340. grandma still has hers and it is almost as nice as that one. the tunnel sticker is what gave it away. from what he is saying it sounds like the internal coil is breaking down and it needs a new one. that or the wires from the internal coil are breaking where they are coming out of the motor.

they arent as fast as the same period et340 but still a good sled.
