Yami's 4-stroke gets first snowcross win


New member
Feb 22, 2006
Grand Rapids, MI
Just got done watching the Powersports Snowmobile Tour race and Robbie Malinowski has become the first person in history to win a national snowcross event on a four stroke. He smoked all others in the holeshot and led the whole race. GO YAMAHA :rockon:
Actually that race was about a month ago, but is still nice to hear it again!! ;)! :flag:
Yeah, old news. I saw it on TV today and it was pretty cool. He got off the line well, got a clear line going into the first turn and they couldnt catch him.
Martin and Eckstrom were able to almost catch him in the turns, but as Malinoski got the sled pointed straight and pinned the throttle he would pull about 5 sled lengths on them.
Pretty cool and its nice to see that Yamaha's 4-strokes can compete with the world's best mod sleds at the highest level. It only validates what those of us who have owned or ridden these sleds have known all along.
not to call all you guys wrong but..... How could that have happened a month ago if the wasn't even scheduled until this weekend?????? I looked it up on http://www.wpsaracing.com/ and it shows the race for this weekend. please explain. .
the TV broadcast was this week end but the actual race was like a month ago. the races(except for x games) are always like at least 3 weeks behind. look at the race results on wsa. the BIR nationals were in jan.
kgwmu said:
not to call all you guys wrong but..... How could that have happened a month ago if the wasn't even scheduled until this weekend?????? I looked it up on http://www.wpsaracing.com/ and it shows the race for this weekend. please explain. .
Hey we've been wrong before!!lol
The race at Brainerd was a double header, Robbie won on Sunday jan 14th.
It does suck they televise it so long after :die:
i saw it yesterday for the first time. that was a super strong sled .where was blair morgan? usually up front somewhere! must have broke?
ramblnman said:
i saw it yesterday for the first time. that was a super strong sled .where was blair morgan? usually up front somewhere! must have broke?
Superman had to run the LCQ and jammed his thumb/hand in the first turn. He DNF'd. Not sure why he had to run the LCQ.
That race was discussed a while ago on the 4 stroke side. But first time on air was Saturday. (I was able to bet my son.....guess who won? :rofl: )

They said..we hope that 4 stroke holds together the hole time he was running. That motor is so strong it will withstand much more then any 2 stroke.
