First time out this season, and smashed my mirror.


New member
Jan 28, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
What a fantastic day it was. Temp was close to -7c and it was a little windy, but with all my cloths on you didn't feel it. Had a very hard time starting the 1995 VMAX, but it eventually started, it took a about 100 pulls. Battery was dead so theres the reason why we didn't use the starter. Warmed up real nice for about 5 - 10 minutes before riding. I let my 2 boys go out with it first, one 17 year old had the VMAX and my 15 year old had my B.I.L. Poolaris. They went for over an hour and they said evrything was great. They got stuck somewhere in the farm feilds but managed to lift the sleds out and turned around. Now here is the kicker, it was my turn on the VMAX, I soloed and enjoyed evry minute, found a nice untouched field and man what a great time it was. It was time to head back to the farm house, and I don't know if it is normal but when I ride this sled, the steering is extremly hard. And I am no weekling, I have to put alot of energy keeping the sled straight. Thats when I made contact with a tree, and ripped my mirror off, man was I freaking, but hey right! I then continue to the farm house when again I lost control my sled went left again and I hit another tree, very small trees and I was not going at hi speeds, and I was on a straight line to beat.

All this writing and I havn't gooten to the point or question. Is it normal to keep correcting the steering when you are riding in the soft stuff and hard stuff.......I checked for some play in the skis and yes there is a little play......what to do?
Shouldn't be hard, anything broke in there? How about grease, you need the stuff rated for the cold, not stuff that you use on ur lawn mower....that deff could do that at the weather!
All that broke was the mirror, but the steering was like that also last year, and I did use the greese I use for my car. But it really wasn't that cold, if you think that would make the difference I will change it.


I think I will be going back to the farm tomorrow and try it again, it will be -3c so hopefully if it is the greese it should make a difference.......
Yamaha make a winter grease for cold temp use,it's all i use on my sleds
nothing else..$5 a tube..

your bushings and collars in the sizer arms could be worn out to
giving you a sloppy stearing..
I would check the ski alignment also, if they are mis-aligned it will cause a similar feel. As far as hard steering, jack the front of the sled up and see how free the ski's turn then. If its hard to turn, you can start checking for other problems i.e. grease, binding, etc.
if you haven't rode it in a while the grease could be hardened up in the spindles and cause hard steering.Have you greased it recently?
Between yesterday and today I put in 54 kms in farm land. I must say the first hour I was sort of bord, but later I met up with my brother in law and we had lots of fun in the powder. This VMAX is a very heavy machine, my guess its not made for banging around at the farm. I noticed also that when I make a complete right hand turn, my hand brake touches the windsheild and brakes go on......??????????

Steering was a little better today, but I think something is definatly wrong with linkage. I will wait till the end of the season to try to repair it........

But I will get the Yamaha greese, I am sure it will make a difference.....
