loud rattling noise at low speed?


New member
Feb 24, 2007
Have a SXR 700, ridin' the other day, and got a low, low rattling noise from the front somewhere. It only does it from acelleration to 20mph, then stops. does not do it at idle or when the break is pulled. Engine sounds fine, and rides/acels fine, just the noise. Where do I start looking? Someone said the drive shaft bearing? Can someone point me in the right direction? thanks!

did some trouble shooting... raised the track, watched the belt... as the clutch engaged the noise started, as it closed the noise went away, when i locked the brake up, it went away. no noise when the belt is off and throttle is pushed. i am not sure about tearing the drivetrain apart myself. any other ideas out there? :confused:
My srx is doin the same thing starts at about 10 mph clankin noise and kinda goes away the faster you go sounds like its coming from the clutches. I dont think it could be anything in the secondary making this noise. Im about to pull the primary off and check it over for anything big
or its the brake hub, they get loose on the shaft and make a clanking noise at low speeds. grab ahold of the brake disc and see if you can wiggle it back and forth on the shaft, the keyway slot gets opened up and sloppy, the fix is to install a bender brake hub or stake the keyway to tighten it up.
checked the brake disc, no play in it. sounds like it is coming from the clutch side. how hard is it to check out the bearings? or is that something the deal should mess around with?
Are you sure its not the driveshaft bearing? Mine was making similar noise when I was coasting down hills. When I got home I found my front heat exchanger protector laying on the floor of the trailer. So now I'm wonder if it was the protector or some else. Still got to pull the speedo housing off and check the bearing.
remove the three nuts on the speedo housing and pull it off. And check things out. If it real bad you will be able to tell by looking at it. I've heard of people pulling the seal of the bearing but I never have.
pulled the chain case cover off and top sprocket off. nothing seems wrong there? spedo housing? not to sound like a dumb *** but what is that?
i did try a different belt, but that one was an older one too. same prob. that would be nice if that was the problem, save some time and $. should I try a new belt? Thanks 4 all the help guys! guess I will keep at it.
sounds like a drive shaft bearing to me. raise the rear of the sled with a stand. back track tension off all the way , get under the sled and reach up to grab the drive shaft and force it up and down. if you have any movement in the shaft--there's you problem. if it's not 1 of the 2 bearings in you drive shaft i am willing to bet its 1 of the 2 on you jack shaft.also,sometimes the set screws on the bearings on your pto side come out and the shaft spins on the inner race wearing the shaft(shafts spin but the bearing does not)this will also give you a noticeable rumbling sound.in any case i think you have a bearing gone.
my sled was doing this also ulmer recluthed it and good to go. said it was the freeplay between the weights and rollers.
I brought mine in for the same type of noise and an indendent mechanic told looked at the belts,etc. Figured it was in the jack shaft bearing or shaft.

I took it in to a Yamaha dealer and the tech there looked at the belt first thing and said it was trash.. put a new belt on and perfecto..

Go figure....kind of situation makes you wonder..

Oh yea the independent used lock washers to shim the secondary..
Belt first, then jackshaft bearing on secondary side and then the driveshaft bearing.
