660ft gearing question


New member
Feb 25, 2007
ran 91mph at a 660 radar run on ice with 00 srx 144 chisles 21/38 gearing.
wondering if droping a tooth on top would help? is 91mph good for a 00 srx?
i have a set of 8bu but i was using 89a10 with maxperf purple primary spring stock secondary spring 80 wrap clutching felt good. think i can get alittle faster ?
less teeth on the top will drop the ratio. Just like more teeth on the bottom.

Just remember your ten speed and you can keep it straight!
i understand how it works i was wondering how low can i gear before loosing spd in 660 ft, ? i like the hold the front down fealing kind of adicting.
Sorry I did not realize Pro said gear down and he gave you a higher ratio. I was actually thinking about putting a 21/40 in just like a nytro so see how much snorth it gave the old girl
