02 Viper bogging top end

Dan Rizzo

New member
Feb 24, 2007
I had my sled the other day, sled an great. Put gas 93oct. on the way home. Next day i rode it it started bogging down between 60 and 70 at WOT. the outside temp was 37 degrees. My carb heaters were on. I thought maybe that was it. Today i shut off the heaters before i started. same thing bogged down around 60 when i gave it full trottle. If i give it gas slowly i can go as fast as i want with out the bogging. only happens after 60 when i hit it. any ideas??? the sled has only 1000miles on it.HELP!!!!
Clean and adjust your powervalves and clean the carbs to start. After we rule those out we can move to other possible factors. These problems are very hard to diagnose in general without very detailed descriptions because often times it takes a very trained ear to know exactly what is going on and how to solve it. But definately start there and see what you find.
From what you've stated, that is definitely gummed up carbs, gotta get them cleaned every year. I've seen this on many different sleds over the years and the case has always been dirty carbs.
