My Graphics Website

Nice looking site. What do you have in the works for apex/attak graphics? I have a pearl white attak with black plastic. Any good ideas?
Guess who's the first to sign the guest book? Looks good man! Just make sure to update it over time to reflect that you are a proactive company that likes to stay on top. Honestly, when you get a chance try to get a better pic for the center without the glare. Other then that, great.
I'm number 4 in the guestbook. I'm a little dissaponted I couldn't leave a picture. I like to think of myself as the Johnny Appleseed of porn.
Thanks guys for the input, i will be keeping it updated,so check back often.Bischof sorry no photo link,but hey i bet you left something in words that are going to make me laugh.
the options are endless

yamaholic22 said:
Nice looking site. What do you have in the works for apex/attak graphics? I have a pearl white attak with black plastic. Any good ideas?
If you have some ideas pm me i will work with you to get you what you want.i have some ideas i can show you as well.

thanks, redmater
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Bischof said:
I'm number 4 in the guestbook. I'm a little dissaponted I couldn't leave a picture. I like to think of myself as the Johnny Appleseed of porn.
Johnny WADleseed
I have something worked up, but needs a few tweaks.bassicly anything i have can be made to fit to other hoods, but would need exact measurements.I will get the viper designs done soon,they have strobes with a background color.
Red How about a candy apple red or metalic silver ty windshield emblem. thats you isn't it. Paul
Aright mater nice site. Congrats!! I signed your guest book. Hey let me know when you got some full kits for the Vmaxs cause I hit a tree this weekend when a doo knocked me off the trail and the hood is ok but will probably have to be completely striped and painted again meaning all the nice graphics I got from you minus the registration numbers are going to have to come off....
redmater mayb this summer.I'm rebuilding a 01 srx from the frame up along with the engine.I'm painting it black.I'm definatley going to order a set.
paul, i can do a red chrome one,but i am not to sure on the outdoor durability,it may last a year or guarantee.

pete, that really blows.....did you kick the guys arse,cuz i would have.well let me know what you need, i will hook you up.and thanks for signing the book.
